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"I know we're the warehouse is" It's in the other side or town next to the tea stays green shop. I close up my laptop and put it into my book bag. There being Barbied. "What's that Jordan says" It's when you being treated like a doll of forced to wear there clothing and sing and dance. "If you don't listen" You get beat.

                                  Andy P.O.V 

We create a plane tonight to get them out of there. I'll get a car like a SUV ur mini cooper can't hold all of them. Kian bring some wepons we might need them. "WHY me I don't play sports all I have is a bow and 90 black handmade crafted oh I see why you told me now ok" Jordan Mask ur the creative one her create some crap to cover our faces. One it Kian u get a panda suit I get a unicorn mask and Andy just a black mask.  We're going to get no matter what.    GUYS TELL ME WHAT SHIPS YOU WANT LAY AND ANDY LANDY LAY AND JORDAN LORDAN OR LAY AND KIAN LEAON

                                     Lay P.O.V
I'm scared I hope the guys are okay I just wanna get out of here but with someone. I stay put in the tree house while they go to school I might cook.  Maybe some frozen pizza or some rice. I'm joking I can't cook hahaha that was cute. There a knock on the Door shul I open it nawww ok I'll open it if u want I walk over to the door to find 3 men with knifes. "COME WITH US" immediately think of what to do. What I do best speak only Korean and dance fight. I move side to side and grab the knife from one of there hands and use one of them to push me up and them stabbed them in the butt. Only one left but he stabs me and runs off. I can't move and if I stay here for too long I'll bleed out. What do I do.

                             Jordan P.O.V
I don know ms. Krawfeerd why do the plants look green. Only 20 mins till school ends I hope my baby my love I mean lay is okay  I text lay on line My sweet sweet boyfriend are u okay *send* WAIT WHY DID I SEND HIM THAT JUST WAIT FOR A RESPONSE  No my sweet sweet girlfriend. Why. I got stabbed and I'm bleeding out no bigi. I pick up my book bag and my I phone 6s from my pop socket and boil out the room. Andy and Kian follow me. We pass the 7-Eleven and into the tree house to find lay siting on the floor half way dead I see Andy run to him but I push that bitch so hard she gonna need help never touch Bae. I give him mouth to mouth for 1 hour while he was alive get it hahaha. In the middle of me saving lays life hahaha a knock on the Door

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