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John Cena- Goody two shoes. Gets bullied by Stone Cold Steve Austin all the time.

Stone Cold Steve Austin-A bad boy. Drinks beer all of the time. Always bullies John Cena.

Vince Mchanon-The owner of Camp WWE. A total bitch. Hates Stone Cold.

Big show- Dumb as hell. Stone Cold calls him fat all the time.

Nikki Bella- Has a small crush on John, but sometimes she finds him annoying.

Brie Bella- Always follows Nikki at everything she does.

Undertaker- An emo who always sits on his bed listening to rock music.

Ric Flair- Always acts like he's gay.

Triple H- Is always with Stephanie Mchanon.

Stephanie Mchanon- Vince's daughter.

The Rock- Always has one eyebrow raised up and one not.

Roman Reigns- The Rock's cousin. Dean's best friend.

Dean Ambrose- Roman's best friend. Hates Seth.

Seth Rollins- Gets pissed of easy. Hates everyone.

Mark Henry- Big Show's best friend. Stone Cold also calls him a fatty.

Will be updated tomorrow. Stay tuned.

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