The beginning

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It was the start of the holidays and I was looking forward to seeing everyone as always and seeing Sam again after a while as he moved school. He was always nice and caring and just generally a great friend. We all went to the beach and it was great everyone had a good time and no one argues or had a care in the world. After that day I started speaking to Sam again because I missed him. We generally just spoke about random stuff, sometimes serious, other times not so much but any conversation with him was good if he replied.

I'd recently split up with my ex but we still got along fine because there's no point in hating someone for not loving you anymore. Peoples feelings change and I can live with that. Anyway, I started to really get on with Sam and we became best friends. It was great. He was always there for me and we loved each other like best friends do. I couldn't help it, I couldn't hide my feelings and then eventually I kinda got to like him, a lot. Eventually this would have been one of the worst decisions I would have ever made in my entire life, why? You ask. Because I kept my mouth shut when I should have let it all out...

I spent a bit of time with him and the others now and then I was generally a happy person but then I started to get depressed and jealous and anxious. My mind was a mess I even started to self harm. I couldn't live with myself and I couldn't bear the fact of the whole situation. A situation that could have been avoided...

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