Chapter 00

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"Shh, shh, Christie baby, don't say anything." Eight year old Christina Collins felt soft hands on her mouth, her eyes shot open and she almost let out a scream but realized it was her mom.
Christie shared a room with two of her siblings, both of whom was not anywhere in the bed with her. "Mama what's going on?" Christie whispered.
"Shhh." Her mom said quietly. Nudging her up gently, they walked quietly over to her small closet. Christie felt the cold, hard floor underneath her tiny bare feet. Her mom -Karen opened it as quietly as she could and sat on the floor of it, pulling Christie down with her. She closed the door and Christie sat on her lap and laid her head on her mamas chest.

Karens chest rose up and down unsteadily and her heart thumped wildly. She wrapped her arms tight around her daughter keeping her close. Christie heard faint thumps on the other side of the wall and then she heard the slow creak as her bedroom door opened.
Karen tensed and took Christ's off her and put her on the floor next to her. "Lay down, ball up tight and don't move." She spoke so lowly and so sternly Christie obeyed without question. Her mom covered her with clothes, Christie was finally glad- she didn't know what was going on but for years she resented being small for her age now she was glad.

"Where are they? The girl and that bitch?"' Someone roared just outside the closet door. "I don't know but we need to find them fast-" "Yo, Zay." "What?" It went quiet as a mouse, and Karen's heart sped up.

"They're not here, let's go bro." Karen heard them exit and close the door a little too loudly. Karen listened closely for the faintest sound, she didn't hear anything.
She leaned in toward the pile of the covers on the closet floor and whispered:
"I'll be back Christe, hold on."

Karen opened the closet door and stepped out. The room was dark so she could barely see. Moonlight streamed in, lighting up the room a bit. She saw a tall dark shape across the room before she really registered what it was the shape lunged towards her and seized her.
Karen screamed. "Where is the girl? Where is she!?" A slap was heard and maybe some punches, Little Christie wasn't sure. But she did know she was scared out of her life. The door opened.

"Karen." A second voice growled. "Where's the girl?"
"I dunno, she won't say." Something clicked.
"Tell us or so help me god I'll kill you and her." One of them threatened fiercely. Christie trembled in her pajamas, she didn't want her mama to die. She was getting ready to bravely throw the clothes off her and march out the closet and shout: Here I am!

"You're gonna kill me anyway do it!" Karen screamed, her voice quivering. She tapped at the floor a couple of times.
"You know what? I don't like your tone." A gunshot was heard emediantly after the words left his mouth. Christie heard a body drop on the floor and she squeezed her eyes tight, hoping it wasn't her mother.

"Hurry up, find the girl and let's dip. Five-Oh gonna be here soon." Christie stayed buried under that pile of clothes for hours until eventually some guy in a black and blue suit found her.

"She's here!" He focused his gray eyes on her. Christie assumed he was a bad guy and backed up until her back hit the wall. She whimpered.
"Calm down Miss Christina Collins. I'm George." He showed her his police badge and people rushed in with guns and flashlights. Christie broke down crying.


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