Chapter 01

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"Christina sweety, come here. There's some nice people here to meet you."
Mrs Beatrice said faux sweetly. Christie looked up. She was standing in the doorway speaking loudly so the visitors downstairs could hear her.
  Her thin lips was twisted into a forced smile.
  "What? You didn't tell me anything about any visitors."
  "Christina." Mrs Beatrice said sternly and low. "If you don't get up out of this bed this instant I will punish you severly young lady."
  "I'm sorry Mrs Beatrice for my rude behavior." Christe said faintly mimicking the way Mrs Beatrice talked.
  "That's better, don't keep them waiting, get down here." She gave Christe a dissaproving glance and rushed off. Her hair was twisted in a tight gray bun.
Christie didn't bother to brush her hair nor put any shoes on since it was her house.
She skipped down the wooden stairs slowly waiting at the bottom near the door was a man and a woman. As she got closer she saw the woman was wearing a expensive looking knee length fluttery white dress, a white trench, nude colored heels and glittery jewelry. Her shiny brown hair was styled into a bun and she held oversize glasses in one hand and a clutch in the other.
  The man looked just as nice looking with casual clothes on and slicked back blond hair.
  The woman watched her with watery blue-green eyes.

  The woman watched her with watery blue-green eyes

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"Is that Christina?" Her husband asked. Mrs Beatrice stood rigid, she looked at Christe and her face soured incredibly.
  "It is, Mrs Jolie, Mr Pitt, please escuse her untidiness." Mrs Beatrice said through clenched teeth. The woman- Mrs Jolie waved her away with a French manicured hand.

"It's alright, hello Christina." Mrs Jolie smiled brightly and her husband did too. Christie wondered why they were here and why did they look familiar.
"Who are you guys?" Christie asked.

"Christina Collins! That is no way you treat guest!" Mrs Beatrice seethed.

"She's fine April." The man said calmly but almost impatiently. "Leave the girl alone. I'm Bradley or Brad and this is my wife Angeline." Suddenly things clicked into place.
  That's why they looked familiar. Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. Oh my god. Christie thought. In my house, walking on my floors. What were they doing here? Oh my god.

"We're adopting you sweetie, are you alright?" Angelina Jolie noticed her look and her beautiful features immediately differed.
"I'm...I'm good. Just kinda in disbelief, why didn't I know this sooner?"
"What?" Brads dark eyebrows crinkled confusingly. "We called last week, scheduled meetings with your case worker and April. She didn't tell you?" Everyone looked at Mrs Beatrice, she blushed.

"I'm sorry, I forgot." She apologized. "I-"

"No matters- Christina get you're shoes and say good bye to your foster parents we'll be in the limo waiting." Brad stated walking away, Angelina smiled at her and hugged her briefly before following her husband.


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