Chapter 20

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           The next morning, I went over to Blake’s house bright and early. I knocked on the door and a moment later, Sophie opened it. “Hey, Blake is being lazy, so he’s still in bed.”

            I chuckled. “That’s okay, I’ll go wake him up then.”

            Sophie grinned. “Don’t do anything naughty.”

            I winked as I walked past her and headed to Blake’s room. “No promises,” I called back over my shoulder. Her laughter followed me down the hallway.

            I opened the door to Blake’s room and saw him lying over the covers in a pair of pajama pants. His head turned in my direction. “This better be important,” he grumbled.

            I walked over to the side of the bed. “I’m always important.”

            His lips turned up into a smile. “What are you doing here this early?”

            I climbed onto the bed. “Well, I have this idea,” I said as I jumped on top of him.

            He grunted when I landed on him, his arms automatically winding around my waist. “If your idea doesn’t involve you losing some clothes, then I don’t want to hear it.”

            I smacked his shoulder. “Pervert,” I muttered.

            He slid one hand up my back until he reached my head. He pulled me down so that he could kiss me softly. “You like it when I’m a pervert,” he murmured against my lips.

            I shivered a little and pressed myself closer to him. “Maybe sometimes,” I agreed.

            He shifted and flipped us over so that he was now hovering over me. He braced himself on one arm and let his free hand trace the contours of my face. “You’re so beautiful,” he said quietly.

            My heart fluttered and I responded by capturing his lips with mine. I wrapped my arms around his bare torso, running one hand up and down his back. He let out a little sound of pleasure and nibbled at my bottom lip. I smiled a little, but refused to open for him.

            Blake pulled back a little. “Open for me baby,” he whispered hoarsely.

            I pressed my lips to his again and this time when he asked for entrance, I granted it to him. The kiss deepened and when he tugged at the hem of my shirt, I willingly shifted so that he could pull it off of me. He tossed it away and ran his hands down my sides. He moved his lips to the side of my neck and my body arched against his.

            I went to roll us over again, but apparently I misjudged how close to the edge of the bed we were, because we both suddenly went tumbling through the air. I let out a small shriek before I landed on top of him with a thud.

            I pushed myself up a little and looked down at him. He was flat on his back with a stunned look on his face. I could feel the laughter bubbling up and a moment later I started giggling hysterically. “Oh my god, I can’t believe that just happened,” I gasped.

            Blake let out a small groan. “I don’t even know what did happen,” he stated.

            “Well, I was trying to roll us over, but obviously misjudged where the edge of the bed was.” I patted his cheek, trying to stifle my laughter. “Thanks for breaking my fall.”

            His lips twitched up into a smile. “No problem.” Then he grew serious. “That didn’t hurt your back, did it?”

            “No, I’m okay. But your face was priceless!” I broke out into laughter again and this time he joined me. I collapsed on top of him, no longer able to hold myself up. He put his arms around me and held me to him as we both struggled to calm down.

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