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[A/N~ hEy! So this is my first one shot in the book and I'm really excited yay! This fix is one of my favorites so ENJOY]

WORDS:1k ish

WARNINGS: none, just some angst and fluff so yay

Cheering could be heard from all around as Phil Lester scored the winning touchdown.

It was a Friday night and as usual almost the entire school had shown up. The sky had changed quickly and was now a mixture of pinks and oranges in clouds and the gigantic lights that towered over the field were giving the grass a odd green glow.

The entire football team was smothering Phil in congratulatory words and pats on the back. Kindly accepting the gestures he attempted as to make his way to Dan, who was looking down with a blush creeping across his face looking adorable in Phil's opinion.

He was wearing pastel pink jeans, along with an off-cream jumper and a matching flower crown perched atop his head. The best part was he had Phil's varsity jacket tied round his waist.

"Hey." Phil said as he sat down, smiling widely.

"Hi." Dan giggled, turing a darker shade of red.

"That was a good score."

"Thanks but," Phil laughed, "Do you even know what "my score" was?"

Dan grinned guiltily.

"A touchdown you spork!" Phil laughed and Dan faked shoved him and said,
"Hey! I'm still learning! Plus I could care less about the football part, I just like seeing you win."

"Aw how cute of you." Phil giggled.

"Shut up!"

Phil leaned in, aware of the eyes on him and his boyfriend, and kissed Dan. They broke apart a few minutes, Dan's face burning.

"Why are you always blushing when I kiss you?" He said cupping Dan's cheeks.

"I-I dunno... Can't help it I g-guess." Said Dan quietly.

They continued softly talking, not all over each other, not trying to ask for attention, just talking. They earned the last few jealous glances as the final people left. The thing was people LOVED Phil and wished they could be his special someone. On the other hand Dan wasn't liked most of the time /because/ he was with Phil. People were so jealous of him that they treated him like shit. Not only that but they were jealous of their relationship altogether. It was the kind that best friends had but with added kisses, cuddles, other...things and you know, boy instead of best. And everyone wants one of those relationships. They were the schools relationship goals.

"My place or yours?" Phil asked straightening Dan's flower crown and holding out a hand for him to take. Dan gladly took Phil's hand.

"What's your mom making for dinner?"

"Uh, I think she said stir-fry this morning but don't be disappointed if I misheard her..."

"I'll take my chances. Mom's making her weird pizza thing so..." Dan trailed off as Phil laughed.

"Ew yeah come over to mine."

They finished walking home together to Phil's house hand and hand talking and laughing loudly.


It was loud and crowded in the lunchroom when Dan and Phil walked away from the lunch line. On that particular day Dan was feeling extra pudgy around the middle, and his thighs felt huge. He'd even worn some really old black jeans and a gray jumper with subtle details.

"Phil?" Dan said in a small voice, trailing behind a bit.

"Hmm?" He said, turning around and throwing a concerned look in his direction.

"Are you sure your friends want me to sit with you guys?"

"Of course Dan you sit there everyday! C'mon if I want you there they will too. You are adorable." Phil smirked.

Dan smiled lightly and agreed following Phil. They got to the "popular's" table and found their usual two seats open. Dan hardly talked to Phil's friends so he just simply opened his water bottle he'd bought and began getting lost in tumblr.

"So Philly." Said a giggly voice.

Dan glanced up slowly to see a girl called Fiona biting her lip and staring right at Phil. His blood boiled

"Whatcha doin Friday night?"

"Uh nothing I think why Fee?" Phil said furring his eye brows.

"Well me and my friends are going to the movies and we wanted you to tag along." She giggled.

"I guess that's fine. Dan loves movie popcorn so that's good." Phil ginned at Dan.

"Ehhh well it was kinda only an invite for you so hm." She said with obviously fake sincerity.

"Well Dan is my boyfriend Fee." Phil argued.

"Well maybe he shouldn't be. You could do better. Way better then that pastel full fledge fag."

Suddenly Dan stood up, tears in his eyes. He rushed out of the cafeteria holding in his tears hiding his face with his fringe. This was so stupid. So /stupid/ that he was crying over some Fiona and her stupid comment. He liked his pastels and didn't let these comments bother him but she was right. Phil could do better then the schools literal walking definition of gay. Dan let the tear flow freely as he sat down on a random bench and buried his head in his hands.

"What the heck, Fee!"

"What." She said innocently, "I was just being hone-"

"SHUT UP!" Phil burst out. "God is that all you do!? Make people feel bad about themselves!?" Making a few people fall quiet and stare.


"Yeah Fiona, you may be very obviously jealous but that was uncalled for!" Her friend Lola said.

"Fee, quit acting like your queen." Said another popular boy.

"Yeah, how would you feel?"

"Dan is so adorable and sweet, stop being rude."

"Dan ROCKS his pastels!"

"Fiona, Dan is already self conscious! You guys and your only making it worse ok! So stopping a bully to my boyfriend and find some where else to sit tomorrow!" Phil said, grabbing his and Dan's pastel blue bag and rushing out to go find him.


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