Baby dont cry. (SuLay)

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Suho's P.O.V.-

I sigh as I walk off the stage with the rest of the members. We just finished performing Call Me Baby. Without Lay. Again. It was already bad enough we lost 3 members. And even though we haven't technically lost Lay, it feels like it. And since I'm the leader, I have to deal with the pain and keep smilling. I can't cry. At least not in front of the others. But after Kris, Luhan, and Tao left, Lay was always there to help me. To keep me smilling. But now he's not. Now I'm all alone. And I don't know what to do. I need Lay... but I can't have him. At least... at least not right now.

"Hyung?" Breaking out of my thoughts, I look to Chanyeol. "Yes Channie?" I ask smilling.  He looks at me unsurely and asks if I was alright. Nodding my head, I say, "I'm just fine Chanyeol-ah." He nods back before hesitantly walking over to Baekhyun and Chen.

I sigh once again as he walks off. I lied. Right through my teeth. And hopefully he bought it. Atleast for now.

As all the members get changed into regular clothing, I sit and stare at my phone.
No new messages.
No new phone calls.

He didn't contact me. He broke his promise.

"Do you promise you'll call me tomorrow at X:XX?"
"Neh Joonie. I promise."

It's been a hour. A freaking hour! Yet, he hasn't called... or messaged me.

'Maybe he's busy?' I convince myself. 'Yeah... just busy.'

Looking down at my phone for one last time before putting it in my bag, I stand up to change.

'He's just busy Joonmyeon... he's not cheating on you. He's not cheating.... he loves you.

Yet even as I say those words a single tear falls from my eyes.

'He's not cheating....'

---------------------Time skip--------------------------

When we were approaching the dorms, I woke up every member. We all climbed out of the van and quickly went inside the dorm. It was already late and we went to eat a while ago so all the members went to their room. All too tired to worry about a shower. Even Xiumin and Kyungsoo. I just sat on the couch... waiting for the manager to come and get me for my daily scoldings. As a leader, I have to be punished for all the members mistakes. Rather it be small or large. Heck, even if a member forgot a word or if they don't lip sing correctly, I get punished. And ever since Kris left, I got twice the punishment.

Looking down at my phone again, just in case he called or texted, I still see nothing. He forgot... and it's been 4 hours... shaking I reach up and wipe my tears I try my best to keep my feelings locked up. It's ok Suho. You're strong. You'll be ok. Just stay strong.

All of a sudden my hair was yanked back and I hissed. Looking up only to see my Manager-hyung.
"Let's go." He says-no commands- harshly. And I had no choice but to follow.

------------------ 40 minutes later -------------------------

Clenching my fist, I walk into the dorm limping.

Worthless leader.
Worthless leader.
Worthless leader.
Worthless leader...

Those words kept repeating themselves over and over. And I did everything I could to not cry. To not break down.

He kicked me.
He hurt me.

Just because of Sehun looking at someone rudely!? Sehun always looks like that! At everybody!! Why was it such a big deal now!?

I chuckle bitterly before sitting on the couch. At least all my managers decided they wouldn't stay here tonight. Finally I didn't have to deal with their bullshit. Looking at my phone, I checked for a phone call. A message. Anything! But there was nothing. Absolutely nothing. Ah... it hurt. My heart, my body, my head. It all hurt.

Getting up, I quickly walk out of the dorm and take the elevator to the roof of the building. I was going to break down. And I didn't want anyone to see me. I was the leader. I had to be strong. I had to be strong!

As son as i closed the door behind me, I fell to the ground and cried. The hardest I've cried in years.

Ah... joonmyeon... you're so weak. Look at you... but I couldn't handle it. I'm only human. I have my breaking points too.

As I continued sobbing I heard my phone ring.

My eyes widen as I look at the screen.

It's Lay... and he wants to face time... but I can't. At least not right now. But this may be the last time I'll get to talk to him for a while...

I finally press accept and Lay's handsome face shows up in the screen.

"Hai Joonie! I'm so sorry about not- why are you crying honey?" He asks looking worried.

I chuckle sadly and tell him what happened.

He looks at me in pity before saying sorry.

"Why are you sorry Yixing? It's not your fault."

"Yes it is Joonie. I'm not their to protect you. I wasn't there when you needed me. And I didn't contact you when I promised. You're not crying because of manager-hyung, you're crying because of me."

I sob harder as he said that. Ah... he found out. He seen through me.
"Y-you promised Yix-yixing! You d-didn't eve-even text m-me!"

"I know baby. I'm sorry. One of the actors fell ill and I was asked to take him to the hospital. I should of told you I'm sorry."

"I thought you cheated on me! I thought- I thought you didn't love me anymore!" I yell.

"Cheat on you? Not love you anymore? Baby, I love you with all my heart. I would never leave you. You're my angel. My life. My breath. You stole my heart. And I'm never getting it back. Because you're my everything Joonmyeon. I would never hurt you purposely. You're too precious." He says softly.

I cry even harder.

"Why are you crying?"

"I'm so h-happy."

He smiles.

"I'm coming home tomorrow."

I look at him shocked. "R-really?"

He nods. "Really."

"So... Baby, don't cry."

I didn't.

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