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Heyyyyy!!!Its @Lidabell1325 (Lyndsey) and @Shorty102 (Hannah) here!Yep we combined a fanfic lol:) please please please read vote and comment also don't forget to follow us Ilysm!



I took a nap in hopes for the swelling to go down on my eye.The pain medicine has finally kicked in and my eye doesn't hurt as much as before.I hope Zayn talks to Harry and try's to get him to leave me alone.Now that Zayn knows where I live if he brings Harry by, he probably won't, Harry will know where I live. If Harry still wants to torture me still he will be able to come here and do god knows what to me.

It was about 2:30 when I woke up so it was past lunch time.People should be getting out of school pretty soon.That means my little sister Maya will come home and ask all kinds of questions about my eye.Might as well take another shower and cover my eye up.

*Hey hun I will be picking Maya up from school early.She has a doctors appointment.She's feeling a bit ill*I read my moms text which meant she was probably already off work.

*Ok mum see you soon!xxTell Maya I hope she feels better.*

*I will.Oh before you go back to class do you need anything from the store?What do you want for dinner?*

*No I don't need anything and just surprise me :)*

She thinks I'm in class but really I'm at home moping around with a swollen eyeball.How lucky am I!

*Ok love you bye *

*Love you to mum.Bye*

I love my mom.She can be annoying sometimes but hey she put me in this world and can easily take me out.Not like death but I'm her daughter.Until I move out I have to live by her standards and rules.I do have my drivers license and she sends me to the store every now and then but I don't have my own car.Which will be a problem when I go to college.And the fact of what happened today I need to get my own car.

I went upstairs to take a shower and the warmness of the water felt good on my face.When it hit the bruise on my eye it didn't hurt much but I could still feel a coarse of pain in my head.

I had barely gotten my clothes on, hadn't even fixed or dried my hair and hadn't covered up my eye when I heard a knock on the door.

I walked downstairs to see Zayn, and the rest of them outside.My heart started racing because the one who beat me was standing outside my house. Zayn knows I'm home, he dropped me off a couple hours ago.

"Tris?Harry wants to apologise.I know your there."I stand corrected.He did bring Harry to my house.

I couldn't just not answer the question so I pulled my tangled hair to the side and opened the door.I didn't realise what I was wearing but I had on a 'Love Pink' hoodie and matching sweatpants.The ugg boots I was wearing earlier were on my feet again.I know I probably look horrible but they should understand because they caused it.I can feel my eye throbbing and my head was pounding from the pain in my eye.My nose is more frequent to bleed because it's all loosened up from Harry's hand.

"Hey."I said welcoming them into the house."You can come in no one is here but me."

"Look I know you're probably madder than hell at Harry but he came to apologise to you for it."Zayn said furrowing his brows.

"I'm not mad."I say fastly but smooth enough for them not to tell I was nervous.

"How are you not mad at me?I did something terrible to you."Harry looked confused and so did everyone else.

"Look I know I should be mad but people make mistakes and this one I am willing to forgive you of."I have a weak smile but it hurts to really smile.

"But if there's any way that I can show you I'm sorry I will do it."Harrys voice sounded off and I wasn't sure what it was exactly.

"Just leave.My eye really hurts and I need to sleep.My mum will be home in less than 2 hours.My little sister Maya will be picked up early and they should be here in a little while.But I hope you don't expect me to trust you.You've done horrible things to me for three straight years.Just leave and let me clear my head."I said while i opened the door for them to leave.I don't trust Harry.He didn't really sound convincing in his "apology".

He had an expression of pure hatred on his face when he stormed out the front door.Zayn walked out last, but before I shut the door he stopped me.

"What else do you have to say?"I asked in a tired! tone.

"Look I'm sorry for what he did to you.He doesn't sound the least bit sorry about what he did.If he tries anything with you let me know.I'll see you tomorrow?"He at least can apologise and mean it.

"Yea I will talk to you tomorrow."I pressed my lips together in a line and shut the door behind him.

I ate some fish and chips and waited for my mum to get home.By now my hair was braided and I covered up my bruise the best I could.I hope she doesn't notice.

*Maya is very weak so I won't be able to stop by the store on my way back.Can you go pick up some chicken noodle soup for her?*

*Yea, but what's wrong with her?*

*The doctor said that it could be anything from a light cold to the flu.I personally think it's the flu but I hope it's just a cold.*

*How far are you from home?*

*About 15 min*

*Do you want me to go ahead and run to Martha's to get some soup?*

*Yea that would be great see you soon.*

I grabbed my north face jacket and went down the road to grab some home made soup.

"Hey Martha!"Martha is my Aunt Leann's best friend.She knows a lot about colds and sicknesses.She has a little place in her kitchen that clients can come in and grab what they need from her.She doesn't charge anything.Its not the only job she has though.She's a Lawyer for all kinds of cases.She goes from town to town on cases.She's very nice and feels like my second Aunt.I've known her since I was born.

"Hello dear!What can I do ye for?"She isn't from England.She came from Ireland on a criminal case.Thats how she met my Aunt.My Aunt Leann is a Lawyer too but just remotely around our town.Her and Martha have been talking about going in as a pair of Lawyers.I don't know if it's possible for them to do that but they can try.

"Maya isn't feeling well.Mum took her to the doctor and they said it could be a light cold or the flu.Mum thinks it's the flu cause she is very weak and running a fever I think.She sent me to get some of your famous Chicken Noodle Soup."

"Oh thats no good.You came to the right place for it!"She smiled and gave me a mason jar full of soup.

"Thanks Martha!"I gave her a wave goodbye and headed home.

By the time I got back mum was home and just now walking Maya in the house.

"I got it fresh from Martha!"I yelled running up to my mums side."Its hot but should make her feel better."

"Thank you dear.Can you go pour her a bowl full and fetch the fever reducer?"

"Sure."I ran to the kitchen as mum took Maya to her room to rest.I rushed up the stairs with the fever reducer, soup, and ice water.

"Here you go mum."

"Thank you.I got you a little something."She smiled."I will give it to you when your father gets home."

"Ok.Sounds lovely!"I went down stairs to put up the half full jar of soup and went in the den to watch TV until my dad got home.

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