I Found Myself ~Anna Clendening

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I found myself in a sea of busy places, in a world of blurry faces

I found myself, on the edge of insanity, I found, I found me

My heart was beating, barely breathing but still alive
Lost along the way I'd given up my fight
Scattered to pieces all along the floor, within the brokenness
I found something more

I found myself in a sea of busy places, in a world of blurry faces
I found myself, on the edge of insanity, I found, I found me

I was broken, torn apart
Scars line my arms, on my sleeve I wore my heart
They remind me of what is real
No longer needing pain to feel

I found myself in a sea of busy places, in a world of blurry faces
I found myself, on the edge of insanity, I found, I found me

I found myself in a sea of busy places, in a world of blurry faces
I found myself, on the edge of insanity, I found, I found me

I found myself in a sea of busy places, in a world of blurry faces
I found myself,on the edge of insanity, I found, I found me

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