IntroDUCKtion to something

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So, this is an author's note. Not an actual fanficton. Well, it's obvious, but in case some of you are Kazuichis, I thought we'd let you know c;

Kazuichi: Hey, that's insulting! Isn't it, Miss Sonia? *turns to face Sonia*

Sonia: .... I suppose...

Kazuichi: Why aren't you certain? Do you think it's true about me!?

Sonia: *ever so slowly walks away*

So, well. This is an introDUCKtion to a new series we're doing.

It's like this.

Hey, the show is starting *fake smile*

*random stage appears with Hajime on it. he seems TOO happy.*

Hajime: Has anyone ever asked you this question?

*nagito walks out on stage*

Nagito: What if Hajime was your dad?

Hajime: No? You haven't asked that question... Well, for now, pretend you have.

DrNagito: *slowly claps* 

Well, that was great. A little show I TOTALLY didn't force Hajime and Nagito into doing which explains what we're doing.

A new series called... What if ____ was your dad?

We'll be doing a few chapters on this, so expect them soon. We'll still be writing about other junk and maybe a part 2 for twenty fuyuhikos, but we can't do everything.

(get the reference?) 

So, yeah. Bye.

Hajime: Can we leave yet...?

Nagito: I don't really know, Hinata-kun. 

Hajime: Well, I'm gonna leave anyway...

*they both leave*

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