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Phenix hostipal
Mirai prov
"I have food the receptionist gave us these to share with april when she wakes up" I said worried
"Mum I'm going outside for some air come get me if she wakes up" Laurence said holding back tears
"Ok laurence get some air" I said worried
As laurence leaves the doctor enters.
" Ok my name is doctor Julia Which one of you is Arron full buster " she said
"I am" Arron said trying to hold back tears
"Ok let me tell you she should wake up, a minute later and she could have died" she said
"Omg april why do it" Katelyn shouted waking up april
April prov
" Ubuntu " I SW I'd as I was waking up wait why am I here I should be dead
"April why did you do it for " Kaitlyn said again
"Ivy posted a video on the school website explaining everything about me and who I am and the comments pushed it other the top the teachers even hate me my mum and dad tried to stop them but failed" I said crying
"Ok miss fullbuster I'm your doctor now I will try and get ivy in jail but you cannot go to school for now until your better and your brother,boyfriend and friends will look after you is that ok mirai can all their friends live with you until April feels like going to school " Hilda said
" Of course they can they already are sleeping over and can she leave today" mirai said
"She can but take it easy ok I don't want to see you again in this state" she said
" Ok " I said
"Arron pack her bag shes coming home" Katelyn shouted and I started laughing until
"Omg april are you ok" ivy said
" Ivy leave now" Katelyn said
"Ivy please leave "Hilda
"Ok oh and by the way laurence is a great kisser" she said before leaving
"What the fuck is her problem " Katelyn said before looking at me to see that I was crying
"Arron go get laurence" I said whiles crying
Laurence house
Laurence prov
"April listen I stopped her from kissing me" I said
" Laurence I believe you just come on I want to give you something
Please note that there will be a sex scene I'm warning you if you don't like it I've warned you I have a dirty mind
"April let's go to my room" I said
" Laurence I'm ready " she said as she began kissing me and taking both our cloths (chloe I'm sorry don't kill me it was bound to happen)
"Oh Laurence put it in but put a condom on as well " she said as I did that
"Ok I'm going in " I said as I lined it up to her entrance and slowly put it in
"Oh Laurence start moving" april shrieked so I kissed her and started thrusting in her
"Oh Laurence I'm so close" april said moaning in my mouth
"So am i " as me and her cummed at the same time
Sex scene is over hope you had fun there will be more
"Oh Laurence we should do this more often" april said before me and her fell asleep with me still inside her
Katelyn : that's four people pregnant
Lucinda: I told you to shut up and me and zane broke up after that
Nicole : Katelyn shut up
Travis: yah Katelyn
Lucinda,katelyn and Nicole: 😕
Travis : what
Katelyn: your not the one who's pregnant are you
Travis : oh yeah bye
Cadenza: laurence I'm telling mum and dad
Lucinda: check the living room
Laxus and mirai: oh yeah I'm Cumming
Cadenza: I'm the only sane one here
Gareth: your also pregnant don't lie
Everyone:😶 really
Cadenza : I was drunk
Everyone : is Gareth the farther
Cadenza: yah
Kawichan: baby's yeah awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww

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