The Gryffindor Trio isn't all Gryffindors?

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Disclaimer: Broke, brunette, and American. See the issues with those traits. Yep, I don't own Harry Potter.

Warning: Evil!Dumbledore, Nice!Snape, and Bully!Ron


Harry’s POV-

                Once the train had begun moving, I settled down and began dozing off while Ron, Hermione, and Ginny talked about all the secrecy this year. I honestly didn’t care. I was still recovering from Vernon’s blessed goodbye present and the events at the World Cup. I could feel the exhaustion on my body from endless dreams and on my magic from the extended use of a glamour wearing me out slowly. If I couldn’t go somewhere to lower it, I might accidentally have my secrets revealed. That couldn’t happen.

                Standing up slowly, I made some excuse about needing to go use the loo before stumbling down the hall. Once I had reached the loo, I lowered the glamour and inspected my face and body. My face still had some light bruising and the same old scar on my forehead. My body however was a different story. The lacerations on my back were finally beginning to heal up after having been reopened at the World Cup and the countless scars all over my body definitely weren’t going anywhere. The body was had tired me out the most. Changing at the Weasley’s wasn’t exactly a private thing and keeping Ron from seeing what my Uncle really did to me over summer was difficult when sharing a room. Sighing I put up the glamour once again and remembered that I won’t need it soon. At Hogwarts I always got away with changing with my curtains closed or in the bathroom. And my face will be done healing in a few days so that was a god sign.

                Changing into the robes I had brought as an excuse, I left the loo and headed back to my friends. Stumbling into someone on the way, I look up to see none other than Malfoy in front of me sneering. Ignoring the taunts, I left to go on my way. This year was going to be long. I could tell already.

In the Great Hall-

                “Welcome back for another year at Hogwarts. There are a few changes this year. First of all Quidditch is canceled for the year.” Outraged cries followed Dumbledore’s words at the cancelation of Quidditch. “Now, now, instead we will be hosting something far better. Before that though I must ask all fourth years to come get resorted in accordance with the new rules. Please come up as your name is called.” At this Professor McGonagall stepped forward and began calling names. Much like first year, Harry saw students go up and sit on the three-legged stool and have the hat placed on their head. One thing was different though. The sorting hat would not take preference into consideration this year due to every student keeping to the same house otherwise. A few of the students had switched here and there as the night went on. Harry didn’t really talk to any of them to know if they really belonged in their new houses but he knew his name was creeping closer.

A memory from when he was first sorted popped into his head.

You could be great you know. It’s all there in your head and Slytherin could help you on the way to greatness. No doubt about that. No? Then it best be GRYFFINDOR!

The hat had honestly wanted to put him in Slytherin back then. Would it still want to? Harry thought he had the sorting hat’s approval as a Gryffindor in second year and stopped questioning whether he really was meant to be in the house but now it was all coming back to him. The nervous guilty feeling of having begged to not be in a different house. What would happen if he did change? Would Ron and Hermione still be friends with him?

“Hermione Granger” As if called by his thoughts, Hermione’s turn was up and she sat down on the stool just as nervous as she had been the first time. After a couple seconds, Hermione’s face paled as the hat talked to her. Almost immediately after Hermione paled, the hat yelled, “RAVENCLAW!” Ron’s Face paled at this and I could feel my own features freeze. What if Hermione left us? What if we were too stupid for her now that she could be with people just as smart as her? I felt abandoned already and she hadn’t even left us yet. Sitting at her new table, I could see Hermione’s face still pale with shock.

After more students, including Malfoy who stayed in Slytherin obviously, it was my turn.

“Harry Potter.” Unlike the first time, when I walked up there wasn’t a deafening silence accompanied by intent stares hoping for me to be in their house. No instead people whispered about how I would obviously still be in Gryffindor. However Dumbledore still sat forward in interest just like the first time. Why? Does he not think I will be a Gryffindor still?

Sitting reluctantly, I allowed the sorting hat to be placed on my head. It still went down to my eyes but I could see a little of the crowd this time.

Well if it isn’t Mister Potter. You got out of my choice for you the first time; do you want to try again? No? Good it won’t work this time anyways. Let’s see here. Still brave and loyal, however that thirst for greatness and power is still there. In fact it’s stronger because of your fear to fail the wizarding world. How cute. I must say though, without a doubt you a definitely a Slytherin a heart. Welcome to SLYTHERIN Mr. Potter.

I shakily stood up to absolute silence. As I took small steps toward my new table, all of who wanted to kill me by the looks of it, I heard a soft voice behind me.

“Home at last Mr. Potter.”

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