Chapter 2

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"Hey sis" N said walking over

"Wow not busy for once" I said

"What do you mean by that?" N asked

"I mean your always busy talking to Ghetsis cuase your going to lead team Plazma to victory and all that stuff while i'm forgoten" I explain

"Come on sis I will never forget you" N said putting his arm round me

"Promise" I said

"Sure" N said he then looked at his watch and frowned "I have to sis sorry" he said typical

"Of course you do" I said

N ran down the empty corridoor and looked back with an apolajetic face.

see N is the future of team Plazma me well I go unoticed overshadowed by N its not his fault he is a great guy and Ghetsis is not to keen of me. N is going to be crowned leader of Team Plazma leading them to victory. He says he will never forget me ever but soon he wil get to cuaght up. I dont blame him he just turned 18 and gets all this he is smart considerate young and quite good looking. Then there is me 14 still a kid not that bright and quite ugly with my green hair it lookss great on N but mme hideous. I go into my room its quite smal unlike N's who does not go iin there any more his has a train set a basket ball court and a half pipe then has a room with his bed. Me a small room with a bed and desk. Wiith not alot I draw alot. My best drawings are on the walls. I sit at my desk and carry on with my current project a portrait of N a big one for his room and a small one to go in his pocket. I started coulering the small one which was drawn my plan was the small one wod be coulered and thearge on shaded. I carried on alll evening and went to bed.

Black Star-The untold story of N's sister (Pokemon FanFic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon