Georgie - III

12 3 1


It's been a week now. My regret hasn't gone away. Neither have my tears.

We had something special between us. I would have put it down to normal sibling affection, but we weren't normal.

You were the fire: the kid who stood up against injustice.

On the other hand, I wasn't like you at all. I was quiet, but just as sassy. I was cheerful and bubbly. I used to be cheerful and bubby.

It all went away that night.

My whole world turned topsy-turvy that night.

I said some things I shouldn't have.

I was the one who burnt the bridges between us.

It's something I'll never forget. It was my entire fault. If I had just stayed quiet that time; if I only had learnt to show my emotions and not conceal them in a barricade of scorn, perhaps everything would have been better.

Your vigilante,


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