John opened the door to the apartment he shared with his friends, honestly he had no idea who was even living here at this point, "hey John your friendly local turtle guy" my friend Lafayette ruffled my flower crown, "'sup Lafajafa". Our friend George strutted into the room wearing sparkly booty shorts, "did'ya get my tortilla chips or did you bring home a bag of turtles all named Alexander" he said poking fun at me, "I got ya damn chips" George pretended to wipe a tear of pride away, but not touching his face as he really likes winged eyeliner. "I want a baguette" Lafayette said to us, he picked up the chips, "is this a baguette?" "Yes". Suddenly Hercules burst into the room with a pair of pants on his head, "HERCULES MULLIGAN" he swiped the chips from Lafayette, "my baguette!" Lafayette became sad, "that's the frenchiest fry's" George said, "oh shit whaddup" ah sure your man Hercules gave the chips back and hugged Lafabagette. "YAY MY BAGUETTE", just then Hamman came in, his lil coat tails flapping, "fuckin' madhatterison, fuckin' Jeffriannoyingpants" "fuckin' hot" John said, "whot?" hammy asked "nothing". Just then chips go everywhere, "MY BAGUETTE!!!1!1" "MY SPARKLES!!!1!!" "MY PANTS!!!1!" "MY FLOOR!!!1!1!!!" Lafayette, George, mulligan and I said. "Ima go FITE" Ham sandwich declared.