WEEK TWENTY ONE [08/22 - 08/27] #VOLTRON

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Remember to complete your assignments on time, or else you will receive a STRIKE.

Regardless of bonding moments, you will still receive a STRIKE if you don't finish on time

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Regardless of bonding moments, you will still receive a STRIKE if you don't finish on time.

Announcements: For a recap of existing rules and previous announcements refer to week eighteen chapter please.

The new rules and announcements are as follows:

Announcement 1: NEW RULE: Failure to make meaningful comments would mean immediate exclusion from the club. See below the guidelines:

1) Please if anyone in your group leaves an unsatisfactory comment on your book, send a private message to the Elite Club. We take this issue very seriously and will follow up on members who do not read the chapters thoroughly and just leave general, random comments. The admins will be more closely monitoring the comments on chapters from now on and will issue warnings via private message to members who do not leave comments that are deemed satisfactory.

2) Feel free to message the club and admins if you need advice or unsure of this rule. The majority of the members in this club leave a constructive useful feedback. We do acknowledge that. Please be aware that we do not ask for quantity. We ask for quality. Even if you leave a three line that is constructive, you will not get any warnings but someone who may write a paragraph with random comments may be issued a warning.

3) Take a look at these examples:

Example of comments that can get you excluded:

Example of comments that can get you excluded:

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