Cold coffee

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Dedicated to autumn816  #Sheerios
Song-Cold Coffee -Ed Sheeran
Adeline's p.o.v

I gave the barista the money for my drink and was off into the winter cold, leaving behind the mutter of customers and the smell of cappuccino behind me.

I had been going to Costa for as long as I can remember so I understood when they gave me the "there is something going on" look a month ago when I started ordering a coffee instead of my usual tea.

My job is hard not "they make me work so late" hard I mean  "they make me work around these insufferable pigs" hard.

I work at at Lotussilk as a receptionist which is supposed to be every person's dream. It's not. Everybody there looks like their face was sucked up by a vacuum, spit out into a make-up machine and released into the real world. Yes, it's Barbie all over again people.

So, I let the bitter taste of coffee swirl around in my mouth, activating my gagging reflect which I managed to swallow, along with the horrible liquid. And get on with the day.

The cobbled street's were sheathed in white frost which was slowly turning to a light brown sludge as the people of New York trudged along absent-mindedley into their days, phones in hand.

I however actually paid attention to the glass skyscrapers covered in Coca-Cola adverts and the big speakers saying the daily news. Maybe the people's phones were better.

Lotussilk stood proudly at the end of the high street with all its glittering sequins swaying in the frosty wind. Some people would say "there it is in all it's glory.. Lotussilk." I, being sane say "there being boring.. Lotusfilth."

You can see the line of hopeful girls snaking for, however long it can go. Girls line up everyday for auditions to get in to Lotussilk. No I didn't need to do that.

Before I worked there I worked at the Costa which is connected to Lotussilk and took all the Barbies and Kens their drinks. And one day the big papa Ken came up to me and said "yes yes pretty pretty be receptionist for me ya, good your employed desk is downstairs go on chop chop"

Now I am paid 5,000 every day Monday-Friday in Lotussilk. Your probably thinking "damn she is selfish" really I'm not when you work in the business for as long as I have the perfect Barbie image shatters.

I walked past them sipping my now cold coffee. The look on their faces were like I was drinking gold, I inwardly said "may look like a dream but it is a nightmare a NIGHTMARE!"

As soon as I stepped through the glass doors of the building I was greeted by the smell of make-up and hair spray flowing freely from the models rooms. I shook my head in dismay and started heading towards the front desk.

I was abruptly stopped by a manicured hand of Alexander. He was today's definition of a player. I am pretty sure he has banged every model here. Except me of course, I'm not that stupid.
"Hey there I need you to cancel my gym session for my Hugo Boss photo shoot."
I gave him a fake smile, "Sure!" How I wanted to rip those nails off one by on-
"Thanks babe!"
That guy really annoys me .

So in my annoyed state I sat down at my desk and started typing up some work I need to do by the end of today. I was about to put my earphones in until..
"Hi!!!" A high pitched squeak interrupted me. Great, just great.

I looked up to see a girl who looked like somebody had thrown a Victoria Sponge directly at her face. "Hi!" I said in the same 'stuck up' tone. "I'm guessing your here for the auditions?"
"Yep" sponge face said, looking at her fake nails in boredom.
"Second door on your right" I sneered.

By this time I was so annoyed I think I would actually shout at the next person  that spoke to me, which happened to be my ex boyfriend. Without looking up I put my middle finger up and said "keep walking." He thought we could be 'friends', hmm... how about no.

I was coming to the end of my shift and I was saving my document until I heard the Bellevue was on top of my desk ring. I looked up tiredly,
"Yes?" I said and looked at the girl in front of me.

She was really pretty, she didn't wear any makeup. She was amazing!

"What can I help you with? My name is Adeline"
"Hi my name is Liliana, I'm here for the auditions"
"I'll show you!"
I led her down the corridor to the audition room.
"Will you wait for me Addy?"
I chuckled at the nickname "Of course I will Lily"
We were best friends already.

She came out a few moments later and then said to me with uncertainty, "they told me to come talk to you about a Lotusmeb?"
"Omg you got the job!!!!" And if you were going to ask yes we did the whole clichè jumping up and down and hugging thing. Don't judge.

After saying goodbye to Lily, I locked up and started walking down the street towards my house. The night was cold, no freezing actually as I looked up at the lit skyscrapers and buildings that surrounded me in a city glow, a contrast of light and dark. I looked up to the sky and saw a glimpse of a star. In New York, the sky is so misted by fumes you are lucky to see the stars at all. And that was what made it so special.

By the time i got to my apartment complex it was extremely dark and cold. The moon shone down in luminous beams illuminating the road. I shoved my key into the lock and turned the key. I went through the lobby, pristine as always and walked straight to the lift. Ugh i realised how tired i was as i slumped against the walls of the lift in exhaustion.

I fell onto my sofa in content as the plush cushions sank beneath my weight and i immediately let sleep consume me. I woke up early the next morning with an aching neck and a sore back. Note to self: Don't sleep on sofas- i groggily stood up and shuffled over to my actual bedroom and took out my clothes and glided messily into the day.

The day was bright and sunny unlike yesterday and i embraced it with open arms. I soaked up the beautiful rays and walked down the street towards Lotussilk.  Great i thought, another day at that hellhole. The beams off sunlight filtered as the sun was stolen behind a passing cloud, reflecting my mood.

I now trudged down the street head down, eyes on the feet on the pavement until OOF! I was knocked down by something in my path. Please don't let it be a pole that would be so embarrassing i whispered to myself. But somebody hooked their arm around my waist and pulled me up before gravity thumped me to the ground. I looked up and saw a man, with a camera, a leather jacket, and a story.

 I looked up and saw a man, with a camera, a leather jacket, and a story

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(Her outfit)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2016 ⏰

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