Another Drink

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I sit and pour another glass, and stare at another picture. Talking to it as if i was talking to you. I drink another shot, and think of another memory and ask the person I'm looking at, do you remember too.

I open another bottle saying this one will be it, the one that will let me sleep and by morning I'll forget. I down another drink and take another pill chase it down with another

Shot untilI get my fill.

The lights go dim my eyes grow heavy, I have one more as another bottle is half empty. I look at one more picture tell myself one more lie, polish of one more shot and sigh one more sigh.

I say another word you still won't talk back. So I drink one more and open another pack.

I light one more smoke and take another drink. Try to drown one more memory and feel my heart start to sink.

I knock off one more and fall down to the floor. Tell you goodnight and crawl to the bedroom door. There I pass out. Your gone another night. Only I do it the next and only to loose another fight.

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