~ Chapter 2 ~

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Mini's PoV

*The next morning*

       I woke up in my old, raggy bed and stretch. I slowly get dressed and ready so I can go on my daily walk. I check my wallet to see a lonely dollar bill. Damn it, I only have enough to ride the bus. I guess I'm not getting any breakfast today. I let out a disappointed sigh before heading out the door.
       I walk along the sidewalk, watching as the cars go by. I stop at the bench I usually sit at and wait for the bus to come. I never really get off anywhere when I get on. I just sit down in the back and enjoy the ride.
       I check my watch and smile at the time. Any second now. As always, the bus stops at the bench and I make my way on, handing the bus driver my last dollar. I walk to the back and sit down in my seat, looking out the window.
       Just as the bus is about to leave, a voice calls from outside. A man around my age quickly makes his way on the bus, paying the bus driver. The man looks around for a seat when his eyes land on me. He makes his way to the back of the bus, completely ignoring the several empty seats in the front of the bus. He walks up to me with a smile. "Do you mind if I sit here?" He asks politely. "Go ahead." I reply as I return my gaze to the window.
       The bus starts to move and we just sit there in silence, until the man breaks it. "Um, hehe, uh, my name is Tyler. What's yours?" He states. I look over at him with an emotionless face. "Craig." I simply say. Tyler let's out a nervous chuckle and scratches the back of his neck. "So, uh, where are you going?" He asks curiously. "Nowhere. I just get on for the ride." I respond truthfully, earning a smile from Tyler. "Cool! Uh, I'm headed to Starbucks to get something to eat." He says.
       My stomach growls at the mention of food, making me blush out of embarrassment. Tyler looks over at me with a spark of something unreadable in his eyes. "Are you hungry? You can come with me! My treat!" He offers happily. Wait, what? He's offering to buy me food? Not even dad offers to buy me anything, let alone something to eat. "Are you sure? I don't have any money to pay you back. I used my last dollar to get on the bus." I question with an eyebrow raised. "Don't even worry about it! It'll be fine, but there's only one thing I want in return." He states with a devious grin. "What do you want?" I ask curiously. "If I take you to get something to eat, you have to be my friend!" Tyler bargains with hope in his eyes. My eyes widen as I stare at him in shock. He wants me to be his friend? I just met him today?! On top of that, no one has ever wanted to be my friend before! Should I agree? How would dad feel? Would dad be happy for me or would he try to kill him? There's only one way to find out... "Sure."

*At Starbucks*

       I choke on my coffee as I try to hold back my laughter. I've never laughed so hard before! This guy is hilarious! Tyler wheezes, his face blood red from the lack of oxygen. "Dude! I swear the guy was so fucking fat! He looked like fucking Vin Double Diesel!" Tyler says in between laughs, making me double over in laughter. I squeak in surprise as I feel myself fall out of my chair, making Tyler laugh even harder. Unable to move, I continue to laugh, my eyes beginning to water. "The Fat and Furious!" I add, finally managing to speak. Tyler cackles at my joke, earning several uncomfortable stares from the other people in the café. "Dude, we should do this tomorrow! This is so much fun! I've never laughed this hard in years!" He suggests. I look up at him with a cheeky grin. "Yeah, that would be great."

*At the end of the day*

Wildcat's PoV

       I wave Craig goodbye as he gets back on the bus, admiring the way his hips sway as he walks. Damn, I can't want to tell dad about this! I bet he's going to be so proud that I finally found someone I'm attracted to!
       With a kick to my step, I walk home to pick up my mask and outfit so I can get to 'work'. Today would be the perfect day if I didn't have to kill anyone... With the moon and the street lights being my only source of light, I open the door to our house. I change and get ready, but before I reach the door my dad stops me. He grabs his camera and takes a picture of us together. "Are you ready for you first night on the job?" Dad asks with a smile. I simply nod my head, still giddy from this mornings encounter.
       "You look happy, what happened when you went out today?" My dad asks, noticing my mood. "I met this really cute guy today and we plan in meeting up tomorrow to get something to eat." I brag with a smile. My dad smiles back and wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. "What's his name?" He asks curiously. "Craig." I giggle. He laughs and snacks me on the head. "You can tell me all about him when you get home~" My dad teases before playfully pushing me towards the door. "Okay~"
       I play with my dagger as I roam the empty streets in search of someone to kill. Eventually, I find a figure leaning against the wall of an alleyway. Bingo. I casually walk up to him and quickly press my knife against his throat. "You must be the butcher's son." A familiar, Italian voice states. I tense, my eyes widening with fear. Pablo... He smiles down at me menacingly before a sharp pain runs through my head, my vision growing blurry and fading into darkness.

Mini's PoV

       I walk in the house to silence, confusing me. Did dad finally realize that I'm not a killer like he is?! Is he finally done trying?! I quickly run into the living room and to my dismay, there sits a man wearing a pig mask, barely conscious. I let out a disappointed breath and look at my dad who is screaming into a camera. "You think you can just quit working with me without any consequences?! Huh?! Well you're wrong! You get to watch while my son kills yours!" He screams.
       "Dad, what's going on?" I ask fearfully. "The butcher doesn't want to work with us anymore, so we're going to show him what happens when he messes with a family of murderers!" My dad growls, shoving a knife into my hand. "Dad, you know I'm not a mur-" "Yes you fucking are, and you are going to show the butcher right now that you are!" My dad cuts me off, slamming the door to give me some privacy while I kill who I'm guessing is the butcher's son. He refused to look up at me and the camera, so me take a deep breath. I look at the camera with sorrow-filled eyes and mouth an 'I'm so sorry'.
       I walk over to the man and bend down to his level. I grab the mask and slowly slide it off, gasping when I see Tyler's face. "T-Tyler?" I whisper in disbelief. He jerks his head up to look at me with wide eyes. "Craig?!" He exclaims. I hush him and point towards the door that my dad just left through. "Sorry... I just didn't expect to see you..." He mumbles. "We can save the apologies for later, I need to get you out of here." I say as I cut him free. He grabs his mask and grabs my hand before I can even think. He pulls me out the door and drags me through the city.
       "What the fuck are you doing?! Shouldn't I be the one pulling you away?" I ask as I run with him. "I doubt your dad will be to happy about you saving me, so I'm taking you back to my place." Tyler explains. "Why are you taking me back to your place?!" I ask. "I'm keeping you safe from your dad, you clueless fucktard!" He answers. "I can take care of myself! I don't need your protection!" I exclaim. "I don't care! You're staying at my house and that's final!"

(Pablo is one shady ass mofo. Anways, I hope you enjoy my shitty book <3)

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