Chapter twenty seven

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Me: hellooo and welcome back to-
Me: holy f****ing sh**!
Mira: what is it?
Me: how in the f*** did this story get over seven hundred total views already?
Natsu: what!?
Lucy: how-?!
Mira: THE NALU SHIPPERS!! YOU ARE ALL WELCOME TO JOIN MIRA'S DOJO FOR THE MATCHMAKERS!! (Note after publishing: this has unfortunately had to be stopped since there is no room in my description, eventually I'll get round to putting everyone in a book, but until then please let me know and I'll get to it as soon as I'm able)
Wendy: oh no....
Happy: AYE!
Natsu: Mira, what ships are in your shipping club?
Lucy: seriously?
Natsu: what!? I'm just asking!
Mira: Natsu, my fellow shipper, we ship only to most otp of otp ships. This includes Jerza, Gruvia, Gale/Gajevy, and, of course, the best ship, NALU!
Natsu: WOOHOO!
Lucy: *blushing*
Me: a thank you, this will be an extra long chapter let's get started.


I waited patiently outside the castle for Natsu and Happy. I had changed into a loose pink top and a dark pink skirt. As I sat down on bench, Plue was chasing pigeons. One flew into his snout and he jumped back in surprise. He ran behind me, whimpering. Just then, Natsu comes out with Happy. I stand up as Plue runs over to greet them. They walk over to me. A loud rumble was then heard.
"Natsuuuu!" Happy whines. "I'm hungrryyyyy!"
"Follow me." I say. "I'll get food. My treat." The boys get down on the floor and bow.
"Thank you." They both say. "Thank you oh goddess Lucy."
"Could you please stop that!?" I yell at them. "People are watching!"

I lead them to my favourite restaurant. 8diner. I lead them to my usual seat. The one by the window. Plue sat at his usual place, on the chair by the window. I sit beside him as Happy and Natsu sit the other side. A waitress walks to our table. She has long blond hair, like mine, and deep blue eyes. Her outfit exposes a lot of her bare skin.
"So..." She says in a seductive tone, making me angry. "What can I get you?" She taps her pencil on Natsu's nose. I start to get angry. Am I...jealous?
"Fish please!" Happy yells.
"Meat!" Natsu yells. "All of it!"
"That all?" The waitress asks.
"You forgot Luce." Natsu says. At his statement, I blush slightly. It seems he still does remember me. The waitress faces me with an annoyed look.
"Oh it's you." She says recognising me.
"Nice to see you too." I say coldly. "The usual." She walks off after writing our order down.

"So what was that about?" Natsu asks me.
"Nothing." I say dismissing him. "Now....WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!? WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME!? AAARH!" Plue barks as I scream at them. People stare at us.
"Nothing to see here." I say as I glare at them. They quickly turn away.
"Now, my questions." I say. Natsu and Happy are hugging each other looking scared.
"A-Aye!" They both say. They explain to me where they were.

Natsu and occasionally Happy narrating

After we left we travelled to a secluded lake not far from our island. We spent the first month there. During that month, my demon powers went out of control many times. But I soon learnt to control them.

On our second month we came across that book with E.N.D written on the front. It turns out, that book is linked to me. Anything that happens to that book, happens to me. We left it in a hidden cave just off the coast of Fairy Island.

Lushee, Lushee, you won't believe what Natsu did!
On our fourth month, I went fishing. I caught a really, really big one too. But then some bandits stole it! I told Natsu about it, who made the stupid decision to eat mushrooms. He attacked the bandits, but burned my fish in the process!

Anyway, on our six month, I managed to master dragon slaying magic. Happy didn't learn anything new, but he's now stronger and can fly faster.

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