1 An old novel

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I opened the door, as I quickly stepped out in the cold winter paradise. The frozen air quickly surrounded me, as knights on a battlefield, and I placed my scarf tighter around my neck, to make myself comfortable and warm. I saw the frozen stairs, and I slowly stepped on it, hoping not to fall down and hurt myself. The stairs were positively short, and I managed to walk down without falling. With quick steps and a warm steam of winter breath, I walked towards the streets, which were outside my house. The sky was cloudy and blank, not a single blue spot was seen, as I quickly waddled past the many streets and stores. I looked at the blank windows, some of them were clearly frozen with crystal shaped frost, covering the windows. The stores were filled with holiday presents, stockings, and small, decorative christmas trees, which were covered with white, fake snow. I smiled cheerfully, as I rounded the final corner. The old, wooden library was right ahead, the second place I felt myself at home. As I opened the doors, I realized that the windows were covered in posters, saying: "At christmas eve, 4 pm, we'll be hosting a story telling, where some famous, selected author, will be reading books for everybody who wants to come. Free hot chocolate, muffins, and ginger breads, will be served for those who'll come". I smiled, thinking that I'd definetly go.

"Makoto Naegi", a familiar lady voice, was heard from behind a book shelf, as I stepped in to the old, wooden library. "How can I help you?" The old lady revealed herself, and came out from behind the book shelf. I smiled a heart warming smile.

"Miss Shizuko", I smiled. The old lady stepped out, and came to hug me. "It's soon christmas, and I thought I'd better borrow some of your library's books".

"Oh, Makoto", she said. "It's already 14 days, I had no idea. Also, Makoto. It's awfully cold outside. You should wear many scarves and gloves, or else you'll get sick, dear boy. Winter makes miracles happen, you know". I nodded friendly, as she continued. "Oh, I almost forgot. Makoto, since you visit my library this often, I'd rather give you some books. For free".

"Give?" Naegi said. "Miss Shizuko, I can't. I'd rather borrow them".

"Oh, no, dearest boy. You see, this library is getting too small for all these books, I have to throw some away, but I feel like it's hard to throw away something that's special to you. So I want you to have some books. Pick a few books, dear Makoto".

I looked at the old lady, who had always helped me when ever I needed it. She was the one who had offered me the chance to read in different languages, something my school didn't do much about. "Thanks", I kindly answered. "I'll take a few". She smiled her gentle, wrinkly smile, as she continued placing new, well written history books, in some of the book shelves. I walked towards my favorite spot in the library. It was a reading corner, as miss Shizuko used to call it. There were two nice, cozy reading chairs, a table, and a fireplace for those who were freezing of the winter cold. I looked around at the old place, realizing that quite many people had decided to take a walk to the little library, behind the corner. Miss Shizuko was a behaved, kind hearted human, after all. She used to say that the library was the home for everyone. As I walked towards the fireplace, which was placed behind a huge book shelf, I saw a pair of black winter boots. I had never seen such blank polished winter shoes before, they had obviously not been used as much as normal winter boots. I followed the boots, as I recognized some light, purple hair. I quickly looked at the purple hair's owner, seeing a tall, pale girl, wearing a purple jacket, and a pair of black gloves, covering both of her hands. She was probably very cold, because of the freezing weather. The girl's face was pale as stars on a clear, night sky, and her eyes were as purple as on a hortensia's flower pedals.

"What do you want?" the girl said. Her voice was dry and slow. She didn't look up from her book, but she rather continued reading. I saw her eyes quickly move across the book's pages.

"Uhm", I said slowly. "Nothing, nothing. Uh, not really. I'm sorry. I assume you were her first, I guess". My cheeks were suddently heated up, although the library clearly wasn't as hot as in an oven. I supposed I was blushing. "I'll go if you want to", I started slowly.

"Kirigiri. Kyouko Kirigiri", the girl said slowly. Her eyes finally stopped its quick movements, through the book's pages, and she lifted her head upwards. "And you are", she said.

"Makoto Naegi, but you can call me what ever you want", I said slowly. My heart was beating faster than usual. My cheeks were still red and warm. "Can I sit here? I mean, I was supposed to leave, but I kind of want to read something", I said slowly. "Do you mind?" I quickly added, as I took a quick look at the chair next to her. She shaked her head.

"Sit down", she said. "It'd be. Nice".

"So what are you reading, Kirigiri-san?" I asked her, as she continued reading. She answered surprisingly fast.

"The Mountains", she answered. I nodded slowly, as I found my book on the huge book shelf, behind me. "And you?"

"When the Sea Scent Fades Away", I said quickly. I smiled at her, and her cheeks became a bit more red, than usual.

"Fukawa, I guess?" she said to me. I nodded quickly.

"Do you know her?" I said quickly. "She's my personal, favorite author. I mean, her stories are amazing".

"No, I don't", Kirigiri said slowly. Her eyes were suddenly pointing directly towards me. "But I've also read books by her". She put her book down. She quickly opened her backpack, which was laying next to her feet. She found a book, with a familiar title, on the front side of it. I smiled cheerfully.

"You have that book, too?" I almost shouted, remembering that I was sitting in a library. Kirigiri's cheeks became more red. She looked down at her book.

"It's a. It's a really good book", she said quickly, handing it over to me. "Here, I want you to have it. It's Fukawa's first edition. Not exactly When the Sea Scent Fades Away, but it's an old novel she made when she was younger".

"You want me to have it?" I said. I looked at her hand, which was holding the small book, ready for me to take it. "Thanks, Kirigiri-san", I said, as I smiled at her. The atmosfair in the room suddently turned warm, as if someone had turned on an oven. I quickly took off my scarf. It felt so good to finally take off the warm scarf off my neck. I also opened my jacket, as I put it behind me, on my chair. Kirigiri suddently packed down her own book, as she closed her backpack, and stood up. She looked at me.

"I have to go", she said. "My father is taking me to the mall", she said, but she seemed rather bored and disgusted about it. "It was nice to meet you, Naegi-kun", she said, and when she turned around, I saw her purple hair fall perfectly down behind her back, as she quickly walked away from the fireplace. "Make sure to come here more often", she said as her final words. I followed her quick, percice steps towards the door. I sighed. Kirigiri had been awfully nice to me, speaking of how we met five minutes ago. I sighed again. I quickly opened the book Kirigiri had given me, and I started to read. I smiled for myself, as my eyes followed the pages. The winter really made miracles happen.

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