2 See you later

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I finally decided to go home, after reading the last pages of When the Sea Scent Fades Away. I felt tears building up in my eyes, no wonder Toko was such a famous author. I stood up, realizing that I had been sitting here for almost two hours. I took on my jacket, as I started walking out of the library, with my selection of a few books I had decided to get for free, and Kirigiri's book. I put on my scarf, said goodbye to the old librarian, as I walked outside to the cold winter. The snowflakes had gathered among each other, on my scarf and head, and I realized how much warmer it had become, after I had talked to Kirigiri. I covered by mouth with my scarf, as I felt my cheeks heat up, as I thought about the purple haired girl, who I had met a few hours ago. The way home seemed shorter than usual, but I still felt like it had somehow been stretched out, as a rubber band. I finally reached my home's door, and when I opened it, I saw my sister's face in the door way.

"Makoto, you're home", she shouted. I shrugged. I stepped in to the warm house, and she helped me take off my warm clothes. "What's this?" she asked me, as I took out my pile of books, from my jacket.

"I got them from the library", I said. She looked at me, and I felt like it took forever for her to stop her intense staring. She finally raised her shoulders.

"Did you go to the library again?" she said nervously. "Ah, you're always there, Makoto. Is there any days you aren't walking to that place?" She started laughing, as we walked towards the living room, where my mom and dad were sitting together, eating cookies, and drinking lemon flavored tea.

"Well, it was different this time", I said carefree. My parents smiled at me, as they saw me walking to the living room, where they were sitting. "I kind of met this girl". My cheeks were getting warm as in an oven.

"A girl?" my sister shouted. "Who? Oh, tell me, Makoto".

"No, Komaru", I said carefree. "She kind of asked me to come to the library more often, so I guess I have to go. Not that I usually wouldn't. I love the library".

Komaru suddently started laughing. "Makoto, tell me everything".

"No, I won't, Komaru. It's non of your business, you already know why I'm not willing to tell you my secrets, what so ever". She looked disappointed at me. I kind of started to feel sorry for her, so I dragged her in to my room, and I began to tell her about Kirigiri. "You promise that you won't tell mom and dad? Even if they ask you to tell about her. You have to promise".

Komaru nodded quickly. "I promise, Makoto, so please. Tell me about her".

I smiled, and my cheeks were starting to heat up. "Well, she's a girl". Komaru sighed, and playfully rolled her eyes. She started to shake my hands, which she had placed in her own hands. "And she's purple haired".

"Purple haired? What a unique colour", Komaru almost shouted, as she started waving her hands around herself, like as if she was being a crazy fangirl.

"Komaru, I know that you love manga, but it has nothing to do with that. At all", I said slowly, and smiled at her crazy looking, grinning smile, which was as glued to her face. She sighed annoyingly.

"I know, I know, Makoto", she said disappointed. She suddently looked at me. "But tell me more about this mysterious love girl". I sighed, rolling my eyes.

"I'm not exactly into her, I mean, we met like two hours ago, and we talked for five minutes, I guess? It's not that I'm in love with her, or anything. She's a nice friend, you see". Komaru sighed. "If I could describe her in one word, it would be unique, I think".

"See, Makoto? Hair colour decides everything". I suddently started to laugh, and we stood there for some minutes, almost falling down to the floor, because of out loud laughter,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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