Chapter 9

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Chelsea's POV
"Why?? Joe... What's going on?" I ask, demanding an answer.
"Nothing. Now, just get out while I get changed," Joe says to me sternly.
"But Joe... I've seen your body before any way," I explain.
"GET OUT!" Joe screams.
"Fine," I say, as I grab my clothes and get changed in the bathroom.
I hear Joe's ringtone go off. He answers the call and puts it on loud speaker.
"Hey, babe," Joe says.
"Hiya, Joe. When we meeting?" a woman on the phone says.
I can't take it any more. Joe has a girlfriend? What?? Oh my God...
I go into the bathroom and put my underwear on, and then my really nice shirt from Primark and some jeans from Topshop.
I don't even want to think about Joe so I leave.
It's 11.48.a.m.
I can't go back home because I'll just be questioned by Mum and Dad.
So I just leave.
There's a £20 note on the side in Joe's living room. I grab it before opening the door and walking to the train station.
I quickly update my Twitter.
"Who wants me to start YouTube?" I post.
Instantly a few hundred people like the post and tell me to start.
So I decide to start it.

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