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Siku pov

I look and see its Kakashi petting me . I continue purring. the Hokage chuckles and says" okay point taken but I'm not sure any one is looking for a companion. " I sigh and look down and say " Kay well I must go back see you later ." I start walking for the door but stop when I hear " wait lord hokage ill take her . " I turn towards kakashi and go " really ?" he says " sure it gets lonely with me and my dogs wait can you go near dogs without getting scared ? " I nod still shocked he wants me . the hokage suddenly ask kakashi" are you sure you can handle her not only will she be adding on the responsibility of a pet but also a person ?" kakashi nods with that I run over and jump to hug him purring up a storm.

*a little while later *

Me and kakashi are going home he is trying to teach me to say his name like a normal person . he starts going real slow and I copy "ka...ka.....shi" "ka...ka....shi...""good now put it all together kakashi." "kakashi " "yes you did it you did it" he seemed happy so I smiled I am gonna talk to him in his mind "hey kakashi can I know some things about you ?" "yea sure how about we play 20 questions okay?"

"okay how old are you?""me I'm 23(not sure if this is right sorry)what about you?" "oh I'm 18" I hear him gasp I look over " what's wrong is that bad?!" " no no nothing is wrong but how are you so small ?" " Oh I am like this because if you live in a cage you kinda don't have enough room to grow so I'm kinda like this"

Kakashi's pov.

When she got done explaining that she was small because of being in a cage . I can't believe someone would do that to her she seems so sweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2013 ⏰

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