P r o l o u g e ☆

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**Enjoy, I try my hardest to describe it perfectly so the image can settle in your mind, There will be swearing [uncensored]** RENA IS A GRAND ARCHER CLASS [The hair] AND RAVEN IS A BLADE MASTER**

The name on your wrist will determine your future. No matter how much you want to erase it and change it, it will always be there.

Why though? When did this start happening? The question that everyone poundered  in everyone's mind. Such an innocent thing that caused horrible events.

Some people hate it so much they suicide to get rid of the burden of marrying someone you hate.

Some just have the tolerance to spend their life in complete misery , suffering all the way . The opposite would be the lucky people, who got the people they longed forever. Living in unison and thanking God for their luck.

However, Rena was not one of these people; she was disgusted how the soul mate function worked and many times tried to get rid of her apparent lover, the name printed on her hand was..
Her face turned into a sour mix of disgust and annoyance. Her mouth was dry from laying in bed too long, her eyes tried from the lack of sleep she was experiencing. She wasn't sure if it was insomnia or a simple case of confusion.

♥︎Rena's Point Of View♥︎

I continued flipping back and forth from my bed,
Right and left, left than right.
My eyes met with the digital watch across the bed,

I rubbed my eyes roughly; the numbers flashing brightly- Ugh, it was Monday. Bringing my arm up, I rammed it on the beeping alarm, the sound continued to make some noise before stopping. A soft sigh escaped my lips, pulling the bed covers off me. I slipped my naked feet into a pair of slippers, making my way to the cupboard. School clothes.
Pulling the shirt over head, I finished changing and made my way downstairs.

The house was very old, ancient almost. Every steps came with a response of creaking, as annoying as the sound were, it felt comforting.

I've always lived alone, never did I ever see my parents even though if they were alive: they gave up on ever since I was born. I don't know why if I did something wrong, or cause pain to anyone- but without a word they left me. Time really had flied.

I didn't bother shoving food in my mouth, like some food obsessed idiot. Instead, I gasped my bag, in my hands  and went outside. Hearing the slam of the door behind me.

The time of the year had come when the Sakura trees would bloom, and summer would arrive. However, this usually was the time when people would start searching for there soul mates and I was not excited about that.

As I approached the school closer and closer, my eyesight started to blur when the gates were coming into view. I saw a tall blackish-figure In front of me. There was a light glow around him, I froze in my tracks and so did he. Petals from the Sakura tree fell down as my eyesight cleared. A boy with Raven-black hair and senior clothes stood... Just there.

My green hair blew in the wind, he turned around. Amber eyes reached with mine, a kind of scowl on his face.


And there I met him.

[Soul Mate AU!Raven X Rena: Tolerance]Where stories live. Discover now