Jay commer herb said
Yes brotha jay said
Why yeen tell me he asked
Because iknew this was how yhu was gonna act she said cryin
Nawhh nawh stop allat cryin Mann yhu wasn't cryin when yhu kissed him buchuu could have atleast asked me and I was in a good mood herb said
I hear yhu she said
Are yhu fr or yhu juss lyim herb asked
I'm fr she said
Do yhu really like my nigga durk he asked
Yes jay said smilin
Awe ight thats all yhu had to say now gimme a hug herb said
Ight then they hug
I love yhu lil sis herb said
I love yhu big/Favorite brudahh
When yhu && keekee gone have so children jay asked
When she want some herb said
Awe Mann my bruda finna get some kids like me jay said
Jay don't get hurt yhu betta not be pregnant cause gurl I will hurchuu and durk herb said
How would yhu know if it was bibbys jay said
So yhu is pregnant herb asked mad
No yhu wanna go get a pregnancy test then get one cause I aint pregnant jay said serious
Ight coo herb said
No gone jay said
I am don't trip he said
Wyg doe she asked
Ova keekees herb said
And tell ha I said wassup jay said
ActionLildurk as durk Brandon as Bibby Herbert as Herb Jayla as jay Keena as kee Mally as mally Kyro as kyro Maneski as manman Kayla as kaykay Tyshay as Tysh(To-sh) Angela as la(luh)