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Hai, so yeah... :3 Thank you Jana for supporting me on my first chapter ^D^ Here's Chapter Two, it'll probably be really bad it's 11:23 PM and I'm tired X3


   I watched the house for a few more moments, before shaking my head out of the tired fogginess, and walking to Jana's driveway. Should I go inside right now or wait for her to come out? Yes, I was desperate for a friend, but the silence was strangely nice. In the sitting position I was in, legs curled up to my chest, I could see the cement ground. After about a minute I decided to just listen to music and wait for Jana.

   I lifted the flap on the front of my book bag and began the search for my phone. Once it was in my grasp I unlocked it and went strait to music. I already knew what song I would listen to and plugged in my ear phones before playing it. I turned to the volume low, so I could still hear anybody if they walked near me and slipped them into my ears.

"I'm waking up

To ash and dust

I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust"

   I soon became lost in the beautiful music of Imagine Dragons and forgot any problems I was thinking of before. The song was a jumble of musical pieces, static in the background then the sirens overlapping it and then then their gorgeous voices and constants. I heard a door close and looked up, slightly ruffled since I had been laying down as if sleeping.

   A person from the house next door had obviously left the house, but I couldn't see them, since they were walking behind a line of bushes. Nervous at the thought of someone else being nearby and them possibly not knowing I was sitting so close to them, I swiftly unplugged my ear phones so the music was on speaker. The sound of walking faltered for a millisecond. Confident that they knew I was near them I relaxed and continued listening to Radioactive, on the speaker.

   Just as I was closing my eyes I heard a somewhat familiar voice state, "I like your taste in music."

   My eyes snapped open and I started at the teenager in front of me. My heart skipped two beats as I recognized the dark brown curly hair bouncing on his forehead, the chocolate eyes and the glasses. I uncontrollably leapt up as a surge of emotions surged through my body? What was HE doing here? Does he know me? Does he hate me? Do I hate him?

   "I HAVE TO GO GET MY FRIEND", I squeaked loudly as tears sprouted in my eyes. Before he could see them, I turned away and ran up the steep yard, barging into Jana's house. I ran through the short hallway running into each wall and then into my best friend's door. I nearly broke off the door knob, the click of it being unlocked the being the only thing preventing it.

   I fell into her room with a thud and Jana stood in front me, shock printed on her face.


Yeah, I know, it's a -1 out of zero through ten :p But if you, for some strange reason, liked this please vote! Also, comment any feedback PLEASE!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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