Waking up in hell its self

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Frisk woke up in a patch of red glowing flowers. Frisk then started to look around, not noticing the cuts on her. She tried to get up, but only to fail and scream in pain. She tried to get up again but kept failing. Frisk finally got enough strength to get up. She very slowly started to walk forward . Every step she took she screamed in horrible pain. Frisk then looked to the left, seeing a red glowing flower with a face. The flower slowly grinned. " oh look! A poor horrible human!" The flower said to frisk in a demonic voice. Frisk looked at the flower , confused and offended. Frisk was too shocked to say anything . " oops! That's no way to greet a new friend, now is it? " the flower said to frisk in a poor innocent voice. " n-no " frisk said quietly. " heh... Let me tell you how the underground works " the flower said . " in this world " before the flower could finish what he was going to say the frisk, two vines wrapped around her tightly. " its kill or be killed! " the flower said in a demonic voice. Frisk was too scared to say anything. The vines then ripped frisk in half. Her soul immediately shattered in a million pieces. Frisk then loaded back where she was, in the red glowing patch of flowers. Frisk then slowly started to get back up , not screaming in pain like before. Frisk then started to realize a burning pain in her stomach. She lifted up her shirt a little and looked down. There were multiple deep cuts in her stomach. Blood was gushing out of the cuts. Frisk then but her shirt back down , trying to ignore the pain. She then started to walk, feeling pain in her ripped up legs. She then saw the flower again. The flower looked at frisk and said "so you have the guts the come back!" . Frisk then had to urge to run. " p-please d-don't h-h-hurt m-me " frisk told the flower in a shaky voice. " Too late!" The flower yelled at frisk. A vine wraps around her right arm and rips it off. Frisk fell onto her knees, screaming In terrible pain. Frisk then began to cry. " just die already! " the flower said. A big red ball of fire hit the flower in the face. A big tall goat monster appeared out of no where . " don't touch that child! " the goat said in a raspy voice. The flower looked at frisk with dead eyes, showing fear. " and you! " the goat said, looking at frisk. "Follow me... Weak one " the goat said to frisk. The monster then walked into a dark room. "T-that's n-never good" the flower said in a scared voice. The flower then popped into the ground. Frisk was crying in pain , not hearing what the goat said. She just sat on her knees, crying and bleeding out. Frisk became light headed and slowly began to get up. She slowly began to walk to the room that the monster entered. But then frisk realized that she was all alone... She began to take a look a long walk in the ruins. 1 ,hour goes by. Frisk slowly walked up to a sleeping ghost. Her vision was now fuzzy. "Zzzz" the ghost was saying, now being obvious that it wasn't asleep. " excuse b-but... C-can you p-please m-move. I really need to get g-going " frisk said in a shaky voice, still having tears coming out of her eyes. The ghost sat up. Frisk was horrified from the ghost. The ghost had blood all over him. He had a demon smile on his demonic face. " whatever loser!" The ghost said to frisk. Frisk then could feel something poking her from her pocket. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a bloody butcher knife. "Get lost loser!" The ghost said , disappearing from frisk's sight. Frisk was confused how the knife got there. She was horrified when she looked at it. Frisk then felt something dark and disturbing go into her poor weak soul. She gasped, feeling something from the depths of hell crawling on her back. " kill them all " a voice in her head was saying. She continued on her journey, fighting some small weird demons on the way. 30 minutes go by. Frisk started to see a little small home into the distance of the ruins. She then walked to the little house. She then realized there was blood everywhere. Frisk then opened he door, smelling something horrible . The tall goat lady was standing in front of frisk, having her back turned to her. " heh... Funny.." The goat said. " I expected you to die before you got here..." The goat said to frisk in a raspy voice. " I guess I have to kill you myself!" The monster said in a heroic voice. Before the goat could turn around and fight frisk, frisk lodged the knife into the back of her head. The goat then turned to red dust. Frisk saw something flashing from the corner of her eye. She looked at what the flashing light. Frisk saw some type of red glowing star flashing. She walked up to it with confusion in her eyes. She placed her hand onto it. Two options appeared in front of frisk. [ save ] [ cancel ]. Frisk decided to pick save. Frisk then walked back to the goat and picked up the knife that was in the red dust. Frisk realized there was a staircase. Frisk went down it, having the urge to kill growing every second. Frisk kept on walking until she got to a set of two large doors. Frisk pushed one of them open with all of her strength. She immediately smelled some smoke. Frisk looked up and saw a trail in a snowy woods. Frisk looked up at the underground's red sky, seeing multiple demons flying around. She immediately felt her chance of her survival drop. Frisk began slowly walking forward, hoping that non of the demons saw her. Frisk began to hear footsteps behind her. She stopped and didn't move. the footsteps grew louder but then silence. " human..." A deep dark voice said. "Don't you know how to greet a murder?" The voice said. Frisk was unsure what to do. She turned around and shakes the man's hand. Frisk felt the urge to kill leave her body as she looked into a demon's eyes...

Hoped you guys liked part one :P .

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