Darkness envelops a small dimly lit room
Staring hopelessly into an empty abyss
A weary soul desperately searches for joy
Finding vague shadows of past memories
Memories made from good times with others
Younger days of cheery life giving sunshine
Enjoyed by people who had joyous emotions
Oh this weary soul misses those past days
Yet that soul can do nothing more than reminisce
Fate long ago sealed all joy filled days away
In the process starting troublesome episodes
That the weary soul must try to endure till death
Fates episodes engulf the weary soul in darkness
One which is incapable of understanding sorrow
A darkness solely bent on crushing inner peace
By filling the soul with unimaginable crippling pain
Immense pain that no human should have to bear
Pain that will on one rainy night become soul breaking
That pain shrouds itself in an unbearable darkness
Where the weary soul weakens each passing moment
Smothering cries for help with quickly growing darkness
Like a ever tightening rope squeezing out signs of hope
It tightens slowly opening earthly hell to the weary soul
Within this horrid hell is where the weary soul shall lay
Until this reoccurring episode decides it is time to fade
Even more painful episodes only take temporarily leaves
Oh God please tell the weary soul when will these episodes end!