Chapter 29* Battle Cries

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Chapter 29* Battle Cries

“Alright people,” I call. My voice rings out loud and clear over the hubbub in the dining hall- amazing how thirty or so people could make that much noise. The noise subsides to murmurs. “Thank you.”

“The Battle Plan is ready,” Sam says next to me. Flickers of interest light up in many eyes, and all the able-bodied men sit up a little straighter, sensing that this was their call. “The Crown of Zeus which is the thing we have to destroy to annihilate all evil gods is on Mount Olympus.” He then proceeds to explain how a Portal was created to get there.

“Once on Mount Olympus,” Zoey takes over, “we have to start searching for the Crown of Zeus, which is Zeus’s most prized possession. It is, according to godly legend-” she glances over at Gemini- “kept in a box of unknown magical properties and can only be touched by godly hands. However, many gods will undoubtedly try to stop us. So-” She waves to me to continue.

“So we must have diversions. Diversions all over the world to keep the gods busy. Gemini, Kayla, Sam and Zoey will be the crack team going onto Mount Olympus to try and retrieve and destroy the Crown. The rest of your able-bodied men and women and children who are deemed fit to go will travel using the old teleporter Sam and I arrived here with to specific locations set up. Once there, you incite a god or goddess and do your best to keep them busy.”

“Hang on a minute,” someone speaks up from the crowd. “Did I just hear- men and women and children?”

“Only those deemed fit to go,” I correct, pursing my lips. This was the part of the plan we knew would garner dislikes.

“But that’s unorthodox!” the lady cries, looking around at the crowd. “Only the men should go. Women aren’t made to fight, and neither are the kids.”

“It’s the only way we’ll have enough manpower. Look, fighting a god isn’t an easy task. Especially since we’ll all be spread so thin. You’re going to need all the help you can get. The kids can stay out of sight and, uh, pelt rocks or something.”

“I refuse!” the woman says with righteous fury. “Who’s with me?” There is a murmur of assent from the crowd.

“Look,” I say, gritting my teeth. “This isn’t a time to play it safe.”

“You’ll get us all killed.” This is a different voice, and I look at Jeremy in surprise. He is standing beside the leader of the resistance, Charles, with a face as hard as stone. His posture is rigid and stiff, and his hands are curled into fists. It takes a minute for me to realize that he isn’t speaking to me.

“People like you who want to play it safe every second never take chances,” he says. “People like you don’t take risks and so you never get anything out of the things you do. People like you don’t know what’s at stake and try to act like you do. Don’t you know, can’t you see, that everything here is going to be gone if we don’t win? This is our one chance, Mabel. Our one chance to put things right. Don’t hinder it because you’re a coward.”

The woman- Mabel- flushes bright red, and sits down. The people who have been nodding look down at their clasped hands in their laps, embarrassed. I shoot Jeremy a grateful glance, and clear my throat.

“We wouldn’t have made this decision if we didn’t have any other choice,” Gemini says to everyone, his tone surprisingly gentle and mature. “But you trusted us to lead, and we think this is what’s gonna save us. Does anyone have any violent objections?”

A little boy in the crowd raises his hand, looking eager. “Mr. Gemini!”

“Yes?” Gemini looks unnerved.

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