1). The Beginning

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I waited impatiently at the kitchen counter taping my fingers violently as I stared at Kyle. He didn't look at me back thou,I turned my stare at the ground and was waiting for something to happen! Just then  kyle's phone went off he picked it up and told me to stay here. He walked to the the garage and I heard him lock the door from the outside so I wouldn't be able to escape.

     " This is the perfect Time to escape, I bet the front door is unlocked " I thought " No,No, I can't if he catches me he'll do something horrible to me like last time, I just can't!" I waited a couple more minutes to see if he would come back but he didn't, "This is it the perfect time to escape! I just have to!"
    I got of the stool and started to run but before I knew it, I fell and hit my face to the kitchen tile I looked back at my foot to see what had tripped me...... Of course, Kyle had to put a chain around my ankle! I got up and started hobbling towards the tool box on the counter across from me.
   I could fill the pressure on my shoulders as I worked at the chain with a screw driver, trying to pry the chain off the stool.... I kept thinking " what if he comes in here and finds me like this,what would he do to me, what if he does something horrible to me, Emily stop thinking that! Your going to be Okay!" 
      Just then the chain broke open, I tore it off and stared running for the front door as fast as my legs could carry me. I turned the corner of the hallway, and right as I did I heard the garage door open and Kyle yelling my name as he ran after me! I could hear his heavy foot steps coming closer and closer to me as I ran towards the front door!
     "I can't let him catch me again!" I said as ran almost out of breath. Just as I reached the door handle I felt a hard push on my back and I fell hard on the cold cement beneath me!
      I tried to crawl away from him but he grabbed my ankles with his cold, ruff, hands and hung them above the ground so I couldn't move from where I was.
      I could see the anger in his eyes as he stared at me on the ground, I didn't look at him thou, I was to scared..... I was scared of everything in that moment. Just as he was about to say something a knock came from the door. Kyle muttered something under his breath and started walking  towards the door.
      I stayed were I was, sprawled on the ground my eyes blood shot and my face pale with fear! I heard Kyle talking about me and how I trying to escape again, so I closed my eyes and pretended that I was in my bed at home, not a care in the world. Why did I have to end up like this? Out of all the people, it had to be me. I had some really bad luck.
     I guess I zoned out for a while because when I woke up I was in dark room with my hands tied behind my back and my feet were strapped together so I couldn't move. I looked around me to see if anyone was there, and then I realized I was on kyle's bed.
    I looked down and realized that I  was in my underwear. I screamed, but it came out as a muffled squeal. My mouth was duct taped shut. Kyle walked in with an evil look on his face. My eyes grew wide as three other men walked in. "Emily, this is Jake, Mikel, and Dan." Said Kyle. He ripped the duct tape off of my mouth. 
    I woke up screaming .... sweat running down my face my body shivering in fear! " it was only a dream!" I looked over and saw Kyle laying on the couch across from me. The man in my dreams was my boyfriend in reality! I took the dream as a sign and left his house immediately, and texted him saying we were breaking up and to never speak to me again. When I got back to my house I locked the doors and collapsed on my bed. I was so glad that it was just a dream.
               3 WEEKS LATER
I turned on the tv, and to my surprise my ex's face was on the front page of the news! The
caption read: kidnapper and abuser convicted and sentenced 20 years to life in prison! I continued watching to find out that he had kidnapped over 15 girls and abused them in his basement. He had a previous record of other crimes such as robberies. I gasped and turned off the tv. It all added up now! I will be forever grateful that I left him when I could.
   I laid down in my bed that night and wondered "What would have happened if I was still with Kyle, and I if didn't tell the police about his crimes well we were still together?", Besides it was 4 and a half years Ago when he was caught. He deserves to be in prison! As I finished that last thought in my head I fell asleep, not a worry in my mind about what was going to happen, and what Kyle was going to do to get pay back on me!
        "Jevon see u tomorrow babe!" I said. I closed the door and headed towards the kitchen. But I froze in my tracks as I heard someone coming closer behind me. I spun around and saw Kyle there. With his brown messed up hair stuck to his forehead and his prison clothes torn and ratted. "Yo....You....You  escaped from jail...but.. But how?" I muttered under my breath. "ohhh.. You now, I always have tricks up my sleeves." Kyle replayed in a hasty voice.
      I ran towards the phone hanging on the wall in the kitchen. But Kyle grabbed my hand and twisted it backwards. Pain shot through my arm as I fell to the ground, clutching my hand as it was red and swollen. " What to make sure we have no visitors." Kyle torn the phone from the wall and shattered it on the ground beside me. " Now isn't that better!" He said staring at me on the ground as I struggled to get up.
   "Ohhh... Come one Emily, didn't u miss me?" I glared at him in discussed. "After all I have done for u!" Kyle said when I didn't respond to his question. I finally managed to get up from the ground. "Kyle your ruthless and cruel!" I yelled at him " I can't believe u kidnapped girls and abused them in your basement! I...I.. I can't believe I dated u in the first place!" At That point I was screaming at him. " I HATE U KYLE! I NEVER WANT TO SEE U AGAIN!"
     I stared at Kyle with fear in my eyes and he could see that. " Your scared! He said "I like that!" He took a white cloth from out of his pocket  and forced it in my face as I trying to push his hand away! He pressed it against my mouth and I started feeling dizzy. I fell to the ground. Slowly I started loosing feeling in my legs and my arms. Everything was starting to look fuzzy. I saw Kyle's face. His smirk was the last think I saw before I fell into a deep sleep.
         I woke up in a car, in the back seat, I still felt dizzy from that drug Kyle gave me. I tried to move but realized that my hands and feet were tied together. " Your awake?" Someone said from the front seat. I sat in silence and just ignored the question. He turned his head towards me and I realized it wasn't Kyle.
    " Hi, beautiful!" He said. As I stared at him. " Wait a second, it's Dan from my dream!" I thought. He turned back around in his seat and didn't say anything more. " What do you want with me!" I demanded. " ohhh... I don't want anything to do with u sweet heart." Dan said in calmly. "But Kyle does!" At that sentence the whole car went in silence even me! All I wanted was to go home and be with Jevon, hug him and be safe from This crazy world!
       I some how managed to fall asleep in the car with everything going on in my life. Kyle, Dan, Jevon, he's probably worried sick about me, and I am to. All this kidnapper stuff, Love and getting your heart broken in to a million pieces one part at a time. I felt a nudge on my shoulder a short Time later, I opened my eyes and saw Dan there looking at me worried.  "Wwhooooo!" Dan wiped a sigh  of relief " I thought u died for a second there." I looked at him as if he was Crazy enough to think that someone died in his back seat tied together, with a drug that put someone to sleep unconscious and is being taken somewhere.... Probably out of state.
       He started untying my feet as I slowly sat up from laying in the back seat. " Why aren't u untying my hands" I asked in a shaky voice. "Because we don't want any ideas of u trying to escape" Dan replied in a aggressive voice as if he was mad at me. He shoved me out of the car and dragged me behind him. I looked around to see giant trees surrounding  us, big rocks were bolted to the ground and the sky was gray.  Dan pulled me towards a house, But I didn't make it easy for him thou. I resisted his effort to try to get me moving towards the house.
    "Come on!" He yelled. " Just let me go! I don't want to be here!" I screamed back. Hot tears started running down my face as he grabbed the ropes around my hands and pulled them closer and closer to the house! I sat down on the ground crying and trying to brake free from his grasp! " Just let me go!" I screamed at him with tears pouring down my face.
    Dan pulled a knife from out of his pocket and held it up to to my throat. " Come with me or something dangers is going to happen!" I slowly got up from the ground and started walking with him, the knife still held up to my throat. I didn't dare make a a sudden movement as I walked towards the door of the house. He brought me inside and shut the heavy wooden door behind us.
      He lead me through the halls until we reached a brightened room.  " This is your stop!" He said as he threw me In. I fell on the ground knowing I was hopeless of having my old life back. I looked around the room. There was a bed, bathroom and a little closest in the corner of the room. I got up from the floor and realized that my hands were still tied. I managed to get the rope off my arms with just a few blisters on my wrists.
       I collapsed on the bed relived from everything that happened that day. I Laid there staring up at the celling wondering how I would ever escape from this house and especially Kyle. Just then someone walking into the room. I sat up and saw it was Kyle. He was leaning against the door with a stern look on his face. I didn't say a word although I had a million questions to ask.
      "Get away from me!" I yelled at him. " But why do I have to?" He said as he walked closer to me. " This is my House, My rules, and YOUR mine!" Kyle yelled at me" I'll never be yours!" I screamed at him. I got off the bed and stood in front of him to show I wasn't scared, but I had fear in my eyes which I was trying to hide. Kyle saw that I was trying to hide my fear. He walked closer to me as I stepped backwards.
       I panicked as my back hit the wall and realized I had no escape. Kyle grabbed my wrists and pined them above my head. " GET OF ME " screamed. " But, Emily don't you miss this? Don't u miss me?"he said in a quiet voice. And with that, he kissed me on the lips.
        I laid in my bed and thought about what happened yesterday night.
I Couldn't erase Kyle's menacing glare from my mind. I just wanted to be at home watching TV with Jevon. " Why can't my life be Normal" I said out loud. I heard a voice from the corner of the room, "My life was normal." I sat up abruptly and turned my head to see Dan sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. He was sharpening a knife in his hands, his eyes focused on the silver blade.
      He lifted his head and stared at me from across the room.  " How you'd get in here?" I asked in a stern voice. Dan raised one eyebrow. " The door!" He said as he pointed towards the open door on the other side of the room. I didn't respond. I Just stared at the door a crossed from me.
    " I've got to run for it, or I'll never get out of here." I whispered as I slowly got up from my bed. I glanced at Dan before I darted for the door as fast as I can. I grabbed the door handle, and swung the big, heavy, door open.  I could see Dan running towards me as I tried to dart through the door. Before I knew it Dan slammed the door in front of me. " And where do u think your going, my Dear?"
      I looked at him in annoyance. "Why won't you let me go? What do you want from me?" I said as I stared at him in his eyes. Dan stabbed his knife into the wall, that made plaster fall to the floor. He didn't respond back thou he just stared at me with cold anger in his eyes. Dan grabbed my wrist and pulled me closer to him.
     I made a sound of protest as he dragged me a crossed the wall.  His breathing was shallow and I could have sworn he could hear my heart beating in my chest. I struggled to get free from his grasp as he pined my hands behind me. I could see him leaning in. I screamed as he covered my mouth with his lips. I froze as if I was paralyzed. The world stopped around me as Dan kissed me, and I have to Amit I kissed him back.
      He let go of me as I fell hopeless to the ground. Unable to move from where I was. I could see Dans face as if he In joyed the kiss. Just then Kyle and some other guy walked into the room. " What happened to Emily?" Kyle said as he saw me there on the ground. " Just having a-little fun." Dan replied with a sneer.
          EMILYS POV
  I could hear them both talking about me on the ground but I didn't look up. I felt like I had no strength at all that moment. My blond hair was tangled through my hands as I slowly got up from the ground. I Stood against the wall as Kyle and Dan were fighting. I glanced up to see who the other man was. But I didn't recognize  him, so I continued looking down.
     " Dan how could u kiss her! She's MY girlfriend!" Kyle yelled in discussed!"She's not just your Girlfriend Kyle! She's the one who broke up with you! Idiot!"   Dan angrily yelled back. " knock it off Dan SHE'S mine!"Kyle yelled in reply " You know I helped kidnapped her to u know!" Dan yelled in Kyle's face,
"JUST STOP!" I yelled as Kyle and Dan both became quite. " don't u guys see, I just want to go home! I don't want to be in this nasty place! " tears started running down my face. I DON'T WHAT TO BE WITH YOU! I screamed as I pointed at Kyle! 
     Silence filled the room. Kyle, Dan, the other guy walked out of the room with out an response. I heard the door lock from the other side and them walking away from the door down the hall. I just slumped against the wall sliding down, as I put my head in my knees and began to cry.
     The last few weeks nothing happened. Kyle came and gave me breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And left me in my room. And Everyday Dan would come and check up on me to see if everything is okay. The rest of the days I would sometimes reorganize my room sit on the floor,lay down, or stare out the window at the forest around me. The view was beautiful, and it was the only decent thing in my life. Everything was normal, Until tonight.
        I pulled out a new out fit from my closest. I took of my previous clothes and started slipping on my shirt, I heard the door open and saw Kyle there eyeing my body. Kyle leaned against the door. I quickly slipped on my pants.    " What are u looking at!" I asked as I sat on my bed. "Your perfect body." He grinned as he stood from the door and started to walked towards me. He sat beside me and started playing with my hair in his fingers. " Did anyone tell u you have beautiful hair?" Kyle asked as he started braiding my long hair. "Yes" I said as I pulled my hair away from his grasp. I didn't want to look at him, I just couldn't after what he has done to me.
I guess Kyle saw that I didn't want anything to do with him and his disgusting touch on my skin. He grabbed my chin and forced me to look at him in the eyes. " Emily what's wrong?" Kyle asked in a soft tone. I hesitated for a moment until I answered his question. "Ummm... Take a wild guess Kyle, I've been kidnapped, abused, and might be rapped by YOU! So just stay away from me!" I said in a louder tone then I expected. I pushed my self up from the bed and walked towards the window to stare at the beautiful stars above me. I could fell Kyle's death glare burning through my skull. I could hear him get off bed and walk toward me, I didn't bother looking at him I just stared out the window. I jumped as I felt a slap on my butt and turned around and slapped Kyle in the face who was looking shocked by my sudden self defense.
          I started to run away from him but he grabbed a fist full of my hair. He pulled be back towards him harshly. " Come on baby, don't u want to kiss me?" Kyle said as he grabbed my wrists." Get off me you freak!" I Screamed at him as he drew me In for a kiss.
        I pushed his face away from me as he drew in closer. My heart pumped as I gathered enough strength to push him off me. He fell to the ground, as I ran for the door to get away from Kyle.
          KYLES POV
I could see her running for the door as I was still on the ground. I grabbed her ankle as he ran by me. Emily tripped and hit her head on the wooden floor. I crawled on top of her and could see her blacking out from the fall. I slowly stood up from were I was and picked Emily up with me. She groaned with pain as I threw her over my shoulder. Her blond beautiful hair stuck to my back As I walked out of her room.
                 EMILYS POV
Emily? Emily? Are u ok? ....... I slowly opened my eyes and blinked a couple of times before I noticed that Dan was staring at me with a bright flash light held up to my face. " I...I... Guess so?" I said as I slowly sat up the ground" I looked around me in alert as I quickly darted from the floor. " How may I ask u got In here?" Dan demanded as he held his flash light at me. " I.... I .. I don't know!" I said in a quite voice, as tears started running down my face without control. I hugged Dan and put my forehead on his shoulder. Sobbing away all my problems in my life! Dan brushed through my hair with his fingers as he lovingly hugged me back.
      "I'll make sure Kyle doesn't do that again" Dan said in a sweet voice as he kissed me on the cheek. His lips felt soft and kind as he planted another one on the opposite cheek. He lead me back to my room and told me to get dressed Into some different clothes. " Why? Do u not like what I'm wearing right now?" I asked in a smile. " No! I mean yes....Ummm" Dan said as his cheeks flushed a dark red as he looked away. " I'll go get changed" I said as I walked to my room filling loved by someone who actually cared about me.  I guess I started having fillings for Dan.

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