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After Dia's final shut down, it finally hit me that I had been wasting my time. Not on our friendship but on relationships. Every girl I've been with I never gave a fair chance because I was comparing them to Dia, basically biding my time, waiting for the day she'd be ready for me. It seems though that she only sees me as a friend. I zoomed through the streets probably a little faster than I should've, bass boomin', contemplating on where to go. I wasn't ready to head home and didn't feel like laying up under my flavor of the month. Trying to stay focused, thumb tapping against the steering wheel while I cruise through downtown, my mind drifts back to Dia. I don't know when exactly I noticed when I had feelings for her, don't get me wrong I've always found her bad as fuck, probably after the 10th guy I scared away. To me, Dia is perfect. Her pretty brown skin that always reminds me of those Werther's caramels my grandma always had, how when she laughs or smiles real hard, it shows the dimple in her cheek, let's not even get on her body, plus she has the personality to match. You can't blame me for wanting her. Frustrated, I banged my hand against the console when my line rang.

"Brooo! What the lick read?" my best friend since 5th grade Qwanell yelled through the speaker.

"Shit, bro. Just left Dia's, what's good?" I turned my speaker up and stuck my phone on the dash.

"'Dianya, Dianya, Dianya'" he mocked in a high sing-song voice, "Y'all kiss yet?"

I shook my head side to side, "She doesn't fuck with me like that, keep tellin' your ass that."

Q laughed, "bullshit! Maybe your ass forgets my girl her best friend, I be hearing them talking and it's obvious it's about you!"

I inhaled deeply "man, whatever! I'm not tryin to talk about this shit all night, the night is young, and I want to get faded."

"Fuck yes!" Q shouted excitedly, "E here, he can go cop some drinks and whatever else, I think there's a party tonight too."

"No party for me tonight, I'm feelin low-key, but hell yeah to E and the drinks!" I hit a U-ie and started heading west towards Q's house.

"Bet! I'll be on the lookout." I ended the call and turned my music back up, speakers knocking through the city. About 15 minutes later I pulled up at Q's house, his older cousin, E, was chilling on the porch smoking a black. He stood up as I cut my engine and got out my ride, walking towards me.

"What's good Cash money?" he questioned, dapping me up.

I grinned at the old nickname, returning the dap. "Shit, same ol. You know me E, mind makin a run for us?"

"Lil cuz already asked I got y'all. What all you want?" he spoke pausing to take tokes of his black and mild.

I rolled off a Ben and handed it to him, "couple bottles of vodka, lemonade, food man, food. Like a Philly or burgers and some fries, snacks and get you somethin fam."

He nodded his head, "alright money, I'll be back ASAP." E jumped in his car and reversed and was up the block before I even made it to the front door.

I got inside and greeted Q who was on the main screen of 2k, I flopped on a couch and grabbed the second controller ready to dust him on the virtual court like I do on the real deal. A couple of games in the smell of fast food hit me letting us know E was back before he was even good in the door. Q jumped a hurdle across the living room snatching the bag of food out of E's hands.

"Aye motherfucker!" E screamed while backing out the way, "fool act like he ain't never ate before."

"Yeah, yeah." Q mumbled happily digging through the bags, "you getting fucked up with us E?"

He smirked, putting the rest of the bags on the table. "Nah, you remember that new shorty from up the way? She hit me to come through."

I came over grabbing a bottle of vodka as Q made catcalls while stuffing fries in his face, E dapped us and told us to be cool as he laughed out the door. We started getting faded, the food soaking up the liquor in our systems. After a couple rounds of shots, a few drinks, rounds of 2k, and our homie Dice sliding through I was in the zone. I was shooting a text to my mom's letting her know I was out for the night when my phone started going off in my hand, Dia's face popped up on the screen. I hit ignore, I'm not ready to talk to her just yet. I can feel my buzz dropping as thoughts of her come to my mind. The moments when she's being incredibly dorky, and I just want to grab her and hold her in my arms. Or the rare times when I've seen her cry and how I want to kiss her tears away. Ugh, got me sounding like a fuckin' sap! It just isn't meant to be, suck it up. Time to move on. I hit send on my text and grabbed the remainder of one of the vodka bottles, raising it in the air, "Cheers to the summer!" I yelled before lifting it to my lips and taking it to the head.

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