Some lore for ya! :P

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Less than half the population on earth have an ability that has come to be known as "Auras". A person's Aura (if they have it) is very similar to the person's character/personality, or is somehow linked a person's past. Having or getting an Aura is not a hereditary trait, it's something that is triggered at some point or not at all. However if you posses an "Aura" you will considered a possible threat and will be treated differently than those who don't. Despite this, some of those with Auras use their abilities for good, some try to hide it and live normally, and quite a bit use their Aura for their own selfish gains. Quickly, those who abuse their Auras gone out of hand. The police nor any other force (that don't use Auras) could stop them. They had to resort to the good Aura users. They put a stop to the ones who abused their gift. The good Aura users are now called "Supers" and the others are called "Abusers". Now ever since that day, you'd have to get a licence to use your aura and only for the benefit for the country or world. Those who don't and use their Aura anyway will be hunted down and either (depending on your Aura) be imprisoned or killed on sight. However this doesn't completely stop the "Abusers", they've created a somewhat underground (secret) group and then created a game that all Aura users can play. It's called Aura Racing, where you create teams and race each other and use your Aura in any way you want to. There are almost no rules for this game, except for 6 of them.

A/N: Here's just some lore for you. That way if a certain situation comes up in the book, you won't be too terribly confused. (I try not to be confusing) However if you do get confused or if something just doesn't add up, just say so and I'll do my best to clear that up. See ya in the first chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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