~Chapter 7~ |Taken Part2|

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"You know I thought you would be sane since you have strong powers.. Whats a turtle cake..?" The King asked. "PROBABLY WHATS CONTROLLING YOU! AND I AM SANE! I JUST HAPPEN TO RAMBLE ON ABOUT THINGS THAT DONT MAKE SENSE!" I yelled.

Speaking of sense when i was little that word would always remind me of the money cents. Like 50 cents.. Sorry.. That didn't make CENTS HA.HA.HA sorry its late and i dont know what im doing right now *~* trees remind me of lucky charms for some reason... #RandomAuthorChanMoment

"Ok so shes NOT going crazy?" Lisa asked aaron. "Honestly... I dont know" he replied. "HEY!" I exclaimed. "Take the girl to see her soon-to-be husband" the king said. "She already met him" aaron said putting his arm around me. Mia and lisa's eyes widened. "YOU GUYS ARE ENGAGED!?" Mia and lisa screamed.

"NO! Wrong... Soon..to be.. Husba- JUST TAKE HER TO HER ROOM DANGET!" The King exclaimed. They opened the cell door. A gaurd walked inside. "Make one move and your friends die" he wispered. "Oh my turtle cakes dude.. PLEASE brush your teeth or eat a mint!" I said.

He looked embarrassed. Aaron tried not to burst out laughing. "Grrr.. Your wedding is tonight at sunset.. You'll be marrying the prince" the gaurd said. "Yo.. Um.. Im only 19 and i still gotta reach 200 points of flappy bird.. I ain't gettin married this soon" i said. "Awww.. So your not engaged..." Lisa said.

"Just be quiet" the gaurd said grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the uncomfortable cell. I cant use my magics or they'll kill them.. Maybe if i use my epic distracting skills.. Nevermind that wont work.. He took me to a room and opened the door then shoved me inside.

He walked out shutting the door behind him without a word. Probably didn't want another broken rib... Ignore that. I looked around and saw a guy with werewolf ears, dark eyes, and brown hair. "Ah.. So your the one im supposed to marry.." He said looking at me. He stepped closer so I stepped back.

Dont punch him aph.. You can do it.. Just dont let your fist break his face.. "My names prince fenrir-" i cut him off. "Fenfeart..?" I said confused. "...no.. Fen-rir" he said. "Febrear..?" I said. "FENRIR!" He exclaimed. "FARTO??" I said. He facepalmed. "Just... Nevermind" farto said.

"My father did a great job picking my bride.. Your powerful and beautiful" he said stepping forward again. DONT PUNCH! DONT PUNCH HIM APHMAU! YOU CAN DO IT! DONT ATHENA PUNCH HIS FACE! "Bruh.. Back the fluff up" i said. He backed away. "Thankyou" i said. "Whats your name Hun?" He asked.

"First off.. Dont ever call me that unless you want to loose every bone in your body.. Secondly its aphmau" i said. "You cant hurt me.. Unless you want your friends to die Aphmau" farto said. "Ew.. Please dont say my name like that ever again farto" i said. "QUIT CALLING ME FARTO!" He yelled.

"ITS YOUR NAME! DO YOU WANT ME TO CALL YOU DODO BIRD INSTEAD??" I said. "....nevermind" he said. I sat down on the couch which was inside the room. "My mother will be here shortly to get you ready for our wedding" he said. "Oh nether no i aint-" i started. "Your friends.. Remember?" He said cutting me off.

Correction Boyfriend and 2 daughters.. "So Aphmau tell me some things about yourself?" Farto asked sitting next to me. "Hmmm.. Ok! I hate you, i hate you, i wanna kill you, im going to kill you, i ain't marrying you, oh! And i hate you" i said smiling. "...." He remained speechless.

I wanna change into my Athenian warrior form so badly.. Maybe once all the gaurds are distracted at the wedding i will.. Hmm.. Suddenly a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes walked into the room.

"Hello dear.. Im queen ylva im here to get you ready for your wedding" she said. "Yealitya..?" I said. Jeez these guys names are hard to pronounce.. "No sweetie.. Ylva" she said again. "Yetta..?" I said confused. "NO YLVA!" She exclaimed. "YOTA???" I asked. "...nevermind..." Yota said.

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading and if you have any suggestions or questions make sure to comment or message me! Also once again thankyou Shu_TheHealer for this rossome suggestion! Why do I always update a chapter at night..? Idek..

Bai! 🐢🍰

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