Chapter Three

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I opened the door to be greeted by a smiling Dean.

"You always wear this trench coat, Novak?" Dean chuckled, handing me one of the glasses.

"You always use glasses at home for your poison?" I mocked him playfully.

Dean smiled again and slapped my back. "You're becoming a Winchester, Shrink. Embrace it."

"You usually drink straight from the bottle," I followed him to the back of his house. I assumed there was either a poolside or some sort of patio. "What are you, drunk in the streets, hunk in the sheets kind of person?"

"You think I'm good looking, Novak?" Dean stopped walking and gave me a playfully flirty look. "Apparently, I appeal to all genders."

I started to regret using my choice of words. I tried to act calm and collected but I ended up being that nerdy girl in the corner who feels like committing when their crush walks by.

"I never said you were good looking," I defended myself. I saw his face getting less soft. "But I never said you were ugly either."

We sat down outside. It was a patio, but there was also a pool in front of it. I didn't take Dean for someone to have a patio and a pool, but it's summer time. I didn't even think Dean liked swimming.

"Shrink's got a crush on me?" Dean chuckled. He smiles a lot more when I talk to him. At least it seems like it...

"I do not have a crush on you," I defend myself once more, trying to hide the fact that I was starting to like Dean. I don't know why idler the need to defend myself, because my fondness of Dean was completely platonic. "I would never date, nor try and engage in more serious relations with a raging alcoholic, extreme flirt, and massive bicep having male..."

"Woah, Novak, don't hurt yourself trying to hide your feelings," Dean got up from his chair, holding his now empty glass. "I'll go refill my glass. Stay here, Cas."

I looked at mine, noticing I hadn't taken a sip of it. I had never had Winchester before and u was sure I wasn't going to like it. It smelled like wood and probably tasted like pure alcohol. I took a sip of it, assuming I would regret that decision.

It wasn't as bad as I expected. It wasn't my favorite either. I couldn't really explain the taste of it, really. I put my glass down and waited for Dean. Whiskey's to strong for me anyways.

Five minutes passed and Dean still hadn't come out of the house. I started getting concerned and decided to see what exactly he was doing.

I looked through the glass, and found that I couldn't find him standing anywhere. I entered the house and started looking around for Dean.

I didn't really know the house well. I could barely even find the bathroom. Every door looked exactly the same and I felt like I was walking through a corn maze. The house wasn't even that big either.

It took me a while to figure out my way around the house. I knew that the end of the hall had a guest room, a bathroom, and an office. There was some old man who goes by "Bobby" in a room with salt beneath it. The kitchen smells like fish, and the dining room is connected. The bar and the living room can be seen from outside and there are stairs that go to a locked room by the front door.

I returned to the patio, finding it useless to try and find Dean. He showed up again seconds after I had sat back down.

"Sorry I kept you waiting," Dean came back, no glass in hand. He was holding a whole bottle of Winchester, which was half empty. He smelled like alcohol. "What were we talking about?"


This one isn't as long as the other chapters...

I'm sorry I haven't updated this account lately, I was monitoring PTXkrystalblue .

I don't really have much to say...

- Satan

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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