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Ok so here is why i'm telling you this, I don't have much time left , so heres my story. I was created in a lab about 4 years ago by my master, Niko Justice . I ran away when I heard him talking about getting a replacement bot to carefully get rid of the other failures  . Sure, because thats totally true ... NO IT ISN'T !He was planning on turning me and all the other so called failures into FURNITURE . He was just planning to hide it though. Great. There are two types of bots .Combat Bots , and Helper Bots. I'm a combat bot .So basically, I'm a robotic assassin .
When I ran away ,more failures asked me to help them run away too.I heard a failure say 'I don't want to be a piece of furniture'.I felt something rise in my chest .Pity. I was feeling pity.For this bot knew of what was going to happen to it.'Who said that ' I questioned them .One hand went up into the air.'I did' a bot with a broken arm and chest plate said.I knew of this bot , it was one of my so called friends  . 'Lets go then' I demanded pulling it out of the crowd.
No bots had a name for themselves.We usually called each other 'you' or 'bot'.But if you were lucky ,and not a failure like me you'd get a name.A name is everything any bot has ever wanted.

Crap happy chappy papy Lappy sappy grappy PIECE OF CRAP


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