Chapter 3 "Tale of The Lady in Black Dress"

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At exactly 6 o'clock in the evening, the Dashwood limousine left the Eirlenhive mansion. On the same moment, a gray Limousine arrived with an Eirlenhive Crest on it. Two men went out of the car while the servants assisted them. It was Michael and Charles who had arrived.

The weather that night doesn't seem so nice as if it tells the whole world that it was sick and not in a pleasant mood right now. The weather forecast for that night said that there will be a snowstorm so each residence of the country are advice to stay in their own house and wait for the storm to calm down.

The servants of the Eirlenhive household were busy preparing the dinner for the family. Michael was currently in his room, taking a rest for a while and thinking of the things that bother him. He was thinking on how he can help his father make their company increase its productivity once again. He is also thinking about the data he had gathered and also the data that the Eldest son of the Sumeragi household gave him.

His concentration was interrupted by a sudden knock on the door, destroying the silence of the room.

Iris was standing behind the door.

"Michael may I come in?" Iris asked. She was holding a brown teddy bear that was given by Claire to her on her 5th birthday.

Michael sat down properly and told Iris to come in. Michael's room was and is surrounded with lots of books. His room was located at the east wing of the mansion so that the bright sun rays every morning can enter in his room. Michael collects lots of books from mysteries of the world to history books. On his study table, there are 3 monitors that are connected to a different computer host. You can say that this guy was really a hard working researcher and loves to gather data that are needed to his research investigation.

The door opened and Iris went inside the room. She automatically walked towards Michael's location. Iris was a bit frighten that time since the snowstorm is getting worst, she didn't want to bother her parents to go and stay with her since she knows that they are tired too and resting right now. The only other thing she can think of is to go to her brother and ask if she could stay there in his room until they go and eat dinner.

"Uhm.. Michael, can I stay with you and sleep here for this night only. " she pleaded with a scared voice.

Michael smiled at her and let her sit on his lap. "Sure Iris, you can stay here in my room as long as you like if you feel scared", said Michael.

At that moment all of Michael's worries where set aside, he wanted to comfort his sister that was scared of being alone in her own room in the middle of a snowstorm.

Iris looked at his brother as if she wanted to ask something. She wanted his brother to tell bedtime stories that will make her feel so happy and learn a lot from like he always does. Sometimes it gets too mysterious and creepy but as long as you learn from it you will gain some knowledge and moral lesson from the story. Some of his stories get too poetic that he even includes a riddles which change those who heard it.

Michael sensed it and asked Iris. "What do you want Iris?" said Michael while patting Iris head.

"Michael can you tell a story again? I want a new one", Iris said while looking at her teddy bear.

Michael smiled at her saying, "Since, it's a bit early for us to eat our dinner I'll tell you a story. But promise me you will never forget about it. Don't worry. I'll make a hard copy of it to remind you that I give you something that when the time comes may help you a lot."

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