101. Semele ca idoli kpop - interpretări (pe baza semnului zodiacal)

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Berbec: Jacson (GOT7) 'Cause you are wild and sexy

Taur: Seogoong (UnderDogg) People might actually think you and food are dating

Gemeni: HyunA (4Minute)  your style is great!

Rac: Taemin (SHINEE) you are actually adorable af

Leu: G-DRAGON (BIGBANG) Your confidence is sky-high bu t dont worry

Fecioară: RapMonster (BTS) You handle things amezingly

Balanță: Jimin (BTS) Your flirting leves is over 9000

Scorpion: Kris (Former EXO-member) You act so cool but deep down you are a duck (wtf, Kris O.o)

Săgetător: Kidoh (Former TOPPDOGG-member) you're so silly I love it

Capricorn: Minzy (2NE1) You are sexy no doubt

Vărsător: J-Hope (BTS) Your laugh is funier than the joke

Pești: Taeyeon (SNSD) You transform from Sexy to Silly in less than 0.3 seconds

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