My Life

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Chapter 4
Mackenzie:I Was not talking back
Mackenzie: I'm not going
Coach :Oh Yes your
Mackenzie:No No No
Coach:Ok then give Nikki the  Jersey.
Mackenzie: No Well Ok fine
Nikki: Thanks
Coach:Ok you can go now to the principal Mackenzie your off the team
Mackenzie: What? Are you crazy
Coach : 4 Weeks of detention
Coach:Find 6week of detention I'm ringing your mother and you can show this note to your teacher and principal Your lucky I'm letting you go to the dance
Mackenzie:Fine and runs off
Coach: Nikki and ........... Brandon your in charge I'm ringing Mackenzie mum
Brandon and me :ok
Ringing Mackenzie and Nikki mum
Mackenzie mum:Hello
Coach:Hello my name is Prince Edward
Mackenzie mum: Hello I'm princess Alaska can I help u
Coach: Are you Nikki Mum
Alaska:What happen
Coach:By the way I'm there coach at there school Can you come and get her she been very bold
Alaska:I will be there in 1 min
Coach: Thank you
Jessica: Look at you nobody will like you here now
Chloe and Zoey:you  now there step-sister
Jessica and ccp: We don't care
Brandon and Chloe and Zoey:we like her .
Jessica: Brandon why are you cheating  on Mackenzie
Nikki:looks up oh your are
Brandon:no I'm not dating her
Jessica: You are dating her
Brandon no
Jessica :Nikki don't look sad oh Brandon who are you going to the dance with probably Mackenzie
Brandon: No I'm going with Nikki
Brandon walk over to Nikki and kiss her on lips she kiss back
Jessica : What did you do that for.
Coach:Nikki your mum want you .

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