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The theme is very important to the cover of your book, lets say your theme is romance/adventure, and the name of your book is 'Deeper than Blue' (don't ask!) - It's about a girl who has to leave India where she lives  and the people she loves to go to America to escape from the war. She doesn't want to leave because all of her family and friends except from her little sister Maggie will have to stay behind, (Lets just pause there - if you want to be a little meanie thiefy and steal my ideas go ahead, but only as long as you dedicate it to me or at least mention it was my idea somewhere in the book! and also I don't mind your shameless advertising (we all do it heheh) and besides I love to read all of your books!! With that over we can now carry on:)!) In the book they (The girl - lets call her Amelia - and her seven year old sister Maggie) have to do a voyage over the Indian Ocean. The captain of the boat is a drunken slob (we will now call him Davy) who, despite his sea-faring skills (-which he wastes on drink and his greed for money-) he leads them to a deserted island off the coast of who-knows-where, its there that Amelia meets a slave-boy who she then fall in love with, he had been taken away from is family as a young boy and transported away from Africa where he had lived before. The three of them escape leaving the captain. At this point, Maggie gets scurvy and they are all so exhausted that when a storm brews up out of no-where they don't know what to do. Amelia is thrown over board as she tries to haul in the ropes and even though the slave-boy tries to keep Maggie safe on-board while getting Amelia out of the water she gets washed up on a beach of a strange island only to find that this was where the slave-boy and Maggie had managed to park the boat. She was found by locals and accepted into their community. ecxetera, ecxetera.....


Instead of the obvious of a person, perhaps do something more thoughtful, but it has to represent the  story, for instance, in this book I might do a really vicious war scene with a calm, sereal ocean and a little blue boat sailing off into the distance. (Blah, Blah, Blah...)

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