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Jazz POV

Hey my nme is Jazzabella but ppl call me jazz. I was born in Philadelphia, but raised in New Orleans. I am white, black, Asian, and Puerto Rican. I was raised by my foster parents, I never figured out who my real parents are but I am trying tho. My foster parents are major celebrities by the nme Nicki Minaj and Meek Mill. They are allways gone so I really don't see them much. I have a baby sister her nme is Miracle. She is a lot like me, but she looks a lot like the lady in the picture my grandmother gave to meh before she passed, she never told meh who she was. I also have a brother nme Micha. He looks a lot like Miracle, but nobody knows his mom.. but it's weird because hey both look like meh but we are not blood related... kinda weird..But anyway it is really just us in the house, not really the parents we are supposed to have. Well I go to school at Charter High School, I am a senior. I really like the school because it is this boy tht I like but he probably do not like me but his nme is August Alsina. He is really cool. My bestfriend Diamond told me to go after him cuz she like Chris, but idk I think I am scared..... Anyway I was about to get in the shower but something stopes me. I kinda here a noise comming from my sister room..... I walk to her room door and open it lightly, I look and see her playing with my little brother.. I thought somebody was in here.. ship about to whoop some ass..
"What are you doing miracle" I say
I walk over to her and pick her up and put her in her crib
" go to sleep ma" I kissed her forehead
" what u doing up lil stank a butt"
I walk over to micha and pat his diaper and see if he did his business in there
" ok pooka go to sleep"
I put him in his crib and put on his baby monitor and little night light and cut the light of and closed the door a little bit.
After that I walked to my room took off my clothes threw them in the dirty hamper and got in the shower.... when I got out I lotion up and all that and cut my tv off and went to bed.... I hope I have a good day at school tomorrow.....


I hope u guys like this, this is my first time writing......


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