~ Elementum ~

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Ever since I could remember, I loved nature, I’m a nature girl. I’m a pyromaniac a hydrophilic and a nature lover even the air smelled sweeter to me. But I was a loner I was an outcast ever since I ate dirt in 2nd grade. My family lives on a big block of land so I can run out in the open and talk to the tree’s (okay that may not be normal but I have no friends so..) and bond with nature since I had no-one to bond with back home. My parents worked, a lot so I hardly ever see them except maybe at an occasional dinner or I’m early enough to see them leave in their fancy car with their stupid fancy chauffeur all I ever dreamed of was to escape the ridicule of the taunting girls back at my school, why didn’t I transfer? I have 3 times. But every time it’s always the same, I say something different act different even look at someone popular in a different way and i'm suddenly an outcast because i’m being myself. Jeez people are so freakin’ fake these days. So one night I prayed... yes I pray but not to god, okay this may sound stupid but I pray to nature because nature is what creates everything nature is life blah blah yeah I know im getting to it. And then my dream came true... just not quite how I expected it to come true.

27th of August 2009

Oh god sun I love you but can you not be so sunny! My eyes search for the time

“6:32am, gee thanks why don’t you do it when schools ACTUALLY on” I yawned

But that’s not what woke me up... well at the time that’s what I thought. Quickly I dressed and ran downstairs ready to scoff down Maria’s famous blueberry pancakes (Our housekeeper) but she wasn’t in the kitchen.

“Maria? Maria esta allie, es Audrey!” I speak in quick Spanish (I learnt some Spanish when I was younger from Maria) But no answer came.

 Isn’t it a bit early for a holiday? But Maria never takes holidays... somethings going on. I search around the house for a spare phone my mom always leaves (Even though she hardly ever sees me she cares about my safety... or maybe that’s what I like to think...)

Aha I’ve found it. I didn’t know it was black last time I saw it it was... the phone was melted and black and had formed into a disfigured shape... white... okay maybe this isent the phone I mean surely someone wouldn’t come into the house and melt my phone for no reason? We had the best security in Hills grove, state of the art stuff my dad used to say... when he actually spent time with me. I felt a cold chill run down my spine... did someone turn the air conditioner up? I poke my head around the corner to meet the eyes of a woman with eyes as white as snow and hair even whiter. Oh my god what the hell is going on there’s a woman in my kitchen who is practically the personification of white and Maria isn’t here. I start freaking out when I heard the soft clad footsteps of the woman. I frantically try to look for a phone; press emergency buttons do anything to stop this looney getting to me

Sweat beads down my forehead and my breath quickens, my heart beats faster to the sound of her walking. I can’t die at 14 years old I mean I haven’t even had my first kiss! I lock gaze with the woman suddenly entranced by her beauty her white blue eyes stare kindly at me. I don’t feel an icy gaze but a warm one. And then she did the impossible, she blew out snow and an icy wind at me I looked at her horror stricken and her face was the last thing I saw before I passed into an unconscious sleep.. It was the best sleep I ever had.


So did you like it? I loved it LOL! Is the supense killing you? What'll happen to Audrey? D:

Tune in next time for a brand new epi- Oh wait this isent T.V & its waaay to cheesy. Just click the next chapter i guess.. :D

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