Water and Ice

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Nobody in Fairy Tail could believe what they were seeing. Shielding the guild from the magic energy from Phantom Lord, was Natsu, using his Chaos Dragon's Shield technique. As the beams were deflected, they instead blasted away Phantom Lord shades.

"Natsu," Erza whispered, shocked that he would rush to their aid.

The Chaos Dragon Slayer's face was that of pure focus, his teeth clenched tightly, and his muscles straining. The blue "x" was holding strong to the Jupiter Cannon blast. However, Natsu seemed to be being pushed back. It appeared that the cannon blast was a lot, even for him.

Eventually, the energy dissipated, and Natsu could release. He fell to one knee, panting.

"Natsu!" Erza said, as she hurried up to him.

"Stand aside," Natsu said as he held up an arm and slowly stood," I have no time for you and anyone else."

"Why did you come back?" Gray said," Since when did you care about the guild?"

"Simple," Natsu said, turning slightly," I don't want the guild to be destroyed." That answer caught people off guard.

"Natsu...," Elfman said slowly.

"I am not up for go searching for another source of income, and this is the only place where I can destroy with leisure," Natsu said, as he turned back to the Phantom Lord. That caused the group to deflate. Of course, why else would Natsu come back to help.

"Now step out of my way," Natsu said," I will end this personally." He clenched both of his fists, and magical energy gathered in them. It was clear that he was intending on completely destroying the guild.

"Wait!" Macao said," You can't blow up the entire structure!"

"I fail to see a reason why I can't," Natsu responded.

"Lucy is in there!" Cana said," If you destroy the guild, you'll kill her!" Natsu rolled his eyes, as he released his fists, and the energy faded away.

"Very well then," he said," Then I will remove her, and end this from within." With, that he used his Chaos Dragon's Flight technique, and soared towards the guild.

(with Gajeel)

Gajeel smiled darkly.

"The Chaos Dragon is coming," he said.

"Are you going to go after him?" Totomaru asked.

"No," Gajeel answered," I'm going to let him come to me. That way I can spend more time with this beauty." He gestured to a tied up and gagged Lucy in the corner.

(with Makarov and Porlyusica)

Porlyusica sighed as she watched Makarov start to stir. He slowly opened his eyes.

"Porlyusica," he said.

"I was beginning to wonder when you would finally wake up," the pink-haired woman said," I was close to just picking you up and shaking you around."

"What about the others?" Makarov weakly asked.

"They are currently trying to fight off a siege from Phantom Lord," Porlyusica answered. Makarov's eyes widened, before he tried to sit up.

"I've got to go help," he said, only to let out a grunt and grab his side.

"I am afraid I cannot let you go anywhere," Porlyusica said," If you go out and fight in this condition, there is no way you will prevail." Makarov grimaced.

"But I can't let my children fight like this...."

(with the others)

"Well, I guess the best we can do now is hope he can do it," Erza said, before turning, and yelling," Gray, come with me!"

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