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Bodil POV

It was all his fault. The man in the mirror. He did this. He made it. He drank it. He did this to me. He made the world go red.... Then black.

Bodil666 POV (I know, technically same POV, but I'm tired so yeah.)

My eyes flutter open, heavy with sleep, to see I'm on the ground. I must've passed out last night, drinking too much and blacking out came easy to me some days. I get up off the floor and look around, examining my surroundings. Oh my god. I think to myself not wanting to yell or freak to wake up my roommate. Everything, from my ceiling to my floor, from every little thing I can see, it's all red. Different shades of red, but all red....

I must be going crazy. I clumsily limp to the bathroom, slurring curse words under my breath. I turn on the lights and look at myself in the mirror. I'm a mess. Was I drunk last night or something?

I brush my teeth to get a nasty taste out of my mouth. I look myself in the eyes and almost choke. My eyes.... We're red.... Well, everything I'm seeing is red, but it's at least different shades so I can tell the slightly original color. But my eyes, they're a different red. A pure red. I sigh. And walk out. This is probably just a dream. I walk to bed and put my face in the pillow. Please wake up.

Baki POV (Don't worry, it's not for long.)

I hear Bodil stumbling around the house when I wake up. I groan and stumble out of bed, quickly getting up and dressed. I put on my white, with black buttons, button up shirt. I trudge to Bodil's room and see him face first in bed.

"Bodil." I say, trying to get his attention. He doesn't respond. "Bodil, come on." Still no response. "Bodil!" Why isn't he answering?! Is he that tired? "Martin, get your lazy bum up!" I lift up his head as he sleepily looks at me. I sigh then gasp. What the heck is with his eyes?!

"What the hell do you want, Baki....?" He mumbles. "I.... Um.... You.... Your eyes." I whisper. He looks at me confused then realizes. "I didn't wake up...." He looks at his hands then sits up. "What?" I question. "I-I thought I was dreaming. Everything is red. "What are you talking about? Everything isn't red.... And what about your eyes?" I ask. "I don't know." He glanced at me with worry.

His eyes are still red. Pure red. Like blood. It scares me.... I try to play it off, but I just get the feeling of fear when I look at him. "We should get you to a doctor. You look kinda like a freak or something...." I laugh and joke. He looks down and starts to twitch till his death stare reaches me. Rage and red are all his eyes are.

Bodil666 POV

"What did you just call me?" I glare at him. I don't know why, but I can't control it. It feels like it's taking over and doing everything for me. I don't know what it is. No.... I do know what it is. It's rage, anger, dare I say insanity. It comforts me.

"Woah, calm down. It was a joke. Sorry if I offended you." Baki defended. "You shouldn't joke around like that, Baki." I spat out, venom lacing my words. "Why are you so hostile all of a sudden?" He looks fearful. Good. It fuels my crazy. I grab the snowman by the neck and hold him off the ground.

My friend starts screaming and kicking. His hands darts to mine trying to pull it off his neck. I laugh. I feel so much more.... Stronger. More powerful. I squeeze his neck till he stops breathing. I drop him. My comforting blanket of rage and insanity goes back inside me. What did I just do....? I fall to my hands and knees.

I killed him. I killed my friend. I get up, my legs shaking under me. I grab a couple of my things and run. Out of my room. Out of my house. Out of whatever life I used to live. What have I done? I ruined everything and anything. This was all my fault. Now I'll never be able to live normally again. That was my last taste of sanity. I wish I could've enjoyed it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2017 ⏰

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