"I'll have a regular cappuccino please."

Chris smiled and made the order for the customer. Working here got kinda boring but he liked meeting people.

As he handed the drink to the customer, he heard the bell on the door, meaning someone was coming in. He looked towards the door.
Oh my gosh he is adorable... A boy with blonde brown hair walked up to the counter.

"I'll have an iced tea please."

Smiling, Chris began to make the drink, occasionally glancing up at the boy. He was wearing a pastel green t-shirt, a grey hoodie, black jeans and a pastel pink and purple flower crown.

Chris handed him his drink, and watched him walk to his table. He couldn't help but stare at him as he sat down, sipping in his iced tea and glancing at people walking by. Chris smiled slightly and turned to face the next customer.

Chris glanced up at the boy and noticed his glass was almost empty. I should get him a refill... Chris glanced to see if there was any customers waiting. A woman was waiting for her drink, apart from that there was no one. Great Chris thought.

He turned and made another iced tea for the adorable boy. As he was walking to the table, the boy's head snapped up. He must have heard me...

Chris set the drink on the table. Smirking slightly, he looked at the boy. "You looked like you needed another."

The boy's face slowly turned red as he stuttered out a reply. Ugh he's so cute!

"Meet me at six. That's the end of my shift." He walked away smiling to himself, looking forward to spending more time with the boy.

What should we do? Oh! I have the perfect idea...

Finally, six rolled around and it was the end of his shift. Chris took off his apron and sauntered over to the boy, who was nervously fidgeting as he watched Chris walk over.

Smiling, he looked down on the boy. "Hi." he said, smirking slightly.


Chris offered his hand to the boy.


The boy looked at his outstretched hand with confusion in his eyes.

"U-uh, where?"

Chris smiled. "To the beach. I wanna take a walk."
"O-oh um okay." The boy took his hand. His hands are so soft...

The two walked hand in hand out the shop.
This is great.

"I don't even know your name."

Chris chuckled and looked at the boy.


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