4. Don't fail

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Chapter Four

Alex's POV

Demi placed her head on my arm. We were the only ones who were awake. Jack was snoring next to me and Sebastien was sleeping next to Demi.

"No mummy I don't want to eat my veggies." Jack mumbled.

Demi looked at me. "Jack talks in his sleep."

"No! How about you shove those sprouts down your throat." Jack yelled.

"About vegetables apparently." Demi giggled

I smiled at her and started laughing as well a minute later.

"Will you and Rosie make up?" She asked me

"Yeah. She doesn't stay silent for long." I replied.

Rosie was refusing to talk to me as she concentrated on the road.

"I'm never talking to you again!" She yelled.

I raised my eyebrows. "See what I mean?" I asked Demi.

"Damn it! Bloody spy!" She cursed.

Demi started laughing. "Rosie you hit Demi on the head and I will make sure you go for a car wash." I warned as I saw something coming from the roof.

Rosie hit me instead. "Maybe you should stop threatening her." Demi suggested.

"Thank you Demi! You aren't as stupid as I thought." Rosie replied.

"I don't know how you put up with Alex. He can be a right pain in the..." I kicked her again

"Butt." Rosie finished before she squirted water from underneath by bottom.

"Can you two stop acting like kids?" Demi asked.

Rosie fell silent. "I take that as a no." Demi mumbled.

The car was silent for a little while. Demi just placed her head on my shoulder and left it there. I could tell she was getting tired by the way she snuggled into me and her eyes kept on closing. She eventually caved in and fell asleep. I kissed her on the forehead as Rosie placed a blanket on my lap. I placed it over Demi so she didn't get cold.

"I love Dalex." Rosie told me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"You know Demi and Alex merged together?"

"You're talking to me again?" I asked.

"I have nothing else to do." Rosie replied.

"Of course you don't." I said to her.

"So when you have your first kid will you call it Rosie?" She asked.

"It depends if it's a boy or a girl..." I stopped as she hit me on the head again.

"Incorrect answer." She stated.

"Rosie I can't call a boy Rosie." I replied to her

"I don't care! It shall be named after its aunt!" Rosie demanded.

"Yeah. Imagine that." I retorted.

Rosie hit me on the head again. "You had better watch out mister. I know all your little secrets." She warned me.

"So does Demi." I smirked.

"Damn it. Things were a lot easier when Demi didn't know." Rosie muttered.

"Well I'm sorry to make things harder for you." I replied to her sarcastically.

"You will be." Rosie warned me before she concentrated on the road.

Unknown POV

"They are what?!" I screamed at Diana and Eddie.

"Trying to find Amber." Diana replied to me.

"Why didn't you kill Alex while you had a chance?" I asked them.

"Because we were taken out by a car." Diana replied.

"Two top secret agents were taken out by a car?!" I screamed.

"Yes. It was called Rosie." Eddie added.

"I don't bloody care what it was called." I said

"You failed once again! Give me a reason why I shouldn't kill you!" I continued.

"Because we know where Amber is and Alex and Demi are on their way there." Diana told me.

"Are you sure they don't have this car that you were defeated by?!" I asked.

Eddie and Diana looked at each other. "Well no but..." I cut them off.

"Just find Amber before they do!" I ordered them.

"And don't get taken out by this car again!" I continued.

"We didn't mean to be defeated by her in the first place..." Diana trailed off.

"But you still did." I reminded her.

"Now go! Don't fail me this time or you know what will happen." I warned them.

Authors Note

So I know the last few chapters have been short but they will be getting longer soon.

Also the book will be more serious.

Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll update soon.

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