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Mandatory Questions

- What about you is heroic?
- What about you is social? What do you like about people?
- Of what benefit could you be to the current group?
- Why would you choose to join the current group?
- Invent an adventure/plot that your character would actively undertake (as opposed to just tagging along)?

Personal Questions

- What is your real, birth name? What name do you use?
- Do you have a nickname? What is it, and where did you get it?
- What do you look like? (Include height, weight, hair, eyes, skin, apparent age, and distinguishing features)
- How do you dress most of the time?
- How do you "dress up"?
- How do you "dress down"?
- What do you wear when you go to sleep?
- Do you wear any jewelry?
- In your opinion, what is your best feature?
- What's your real birth date?
- Where do you live? Describe it: Is it messy, neat, avant-garde, sparse, etc.?
- Do you own a car? Describe it.
- What is your most prized mundane possession? Why do you value it so much?
- What one word best describes you?

Familial Questions

- What was your family like?
- Who was your father, and what was he like?
- Who was your mother, and what was she like?
- What was your parents marriage like? Were they married? Did they remain married?
- What were your siblings names? What were they like?
- What's the worst thing one of your siblings ever did to you? What's the worst thing you've done to one of your siblings?
- When's the last time you saw any member of your family? Where are they now?
- Did you ever meet any other family members? Who were they? What did you think of them?

Childhood Questions

- What is your first memory?
- What was your favorite toy?
- What was your favorite game?
- Any non-family member adults stick out in your mind? Who were they, and how did you know them? Why do they stick out?
- Who was your best friend when you were growing up?
- What is your fondest, childhood memory?
- What is your worst childhood memory?

Adolescent Questions

- How old were you when you went on your first date?
- It is common for one's view of authority to develop in their adolescent years. What is your view of authority, and what event most affected it?
- What were you like in high school? What "clique" did you best fit in with?
- What were your high school goals?
- Who was your idol when you were growing up? Who did you first fantasize about in your life?
- What is your favorite memory from adolescence?
- What is your worst memory from adolescence?

Occupational Questions

- Do you have a job? What is it? Do you like it? If no job, where does your money come from?
- What is your boss or employer like? (Or publisher, or agent, or whatever.)
- What are your co-workers like? Do you get along with them? Any in particular? - Which ones don't you get along with?
- What is something you had to learn that you hated?
- Do you tend to save or spend your money? Why?

Likes & Dislikes Questions

- What hobbies do you have?
- Who is your closest mundane friend? Describe them and how you relate to them.
- Who is your worst mundane enemy? Describe them and why you don't get along.
- What bands do you like? Do you even pay attention?
- What tape or CD hasn't left your player since your purchased it? Why?
- What song is "your song?" Why?
- What's been your favorite movie of all time?
- Read any good books? What were they?
- What do you watch on the Television?
- When it comes to mundane politics, do you care? If so, which way do you tend to vote? If not, why don't you care?
- What type of places do you hang out in with your mundane friends?
- What type of places do you hang out in with your normal friends?
- What annoys you more than anything else?
- What would be the perfect gift for you?
- What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
- What time of day is your favorite?
- What kind of weather is your favorite?
- What is your favorite food? What is your least favorite food?
- What is your favorite drink? (Coffee, Coke, Juice, Beer, Wine, etc.)
- What's your favorite animal? Why?
- Do you have any pets? Do you want any pets? What kind?
- What do you find most relaxing? (Not as in stress relief, but as something that actually calms you down.)
- What habit that others have annoys you most?
- What kind of things embarrass you? Why?
- What don't you like about yourself?
- How would you like to look?

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