Chapter 21

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I placed my right foot firmly on the packed wall before pulling my left foot up. I couldn't see a thing and I wasn't sure what I would do once I reached the top, since the earth had closed in over the way out, but I would give it a try.

"It took you that long to think of that?" Rachel called from below. I could imagine her nose scrunching in the darkness.

I didn't answer.

I was halfway up, my legs and arms burning but still firmly planted on either side of the round tube-like hole. Rachel was following me, complaining about how slow I was, when dirt began raining down on my face. Rachel spluttered in confusion below me.

"Did you do that?!" She flailed in the oppressive blackness, managing to hit my leg.

"No. Either it's our friends or the monsters are digging their way down to eat us." I pulled myself higher all the same. What can I say? I consider myself a realist

"Oh." I heard a slight falter in Rachel's voice but she followed anyway.

I was almost at the top, blindly reaching my arm up, when a familiar hand frantically shoved through the layer of earth, showering us with dirt, fading sunlight and horrific sounds.

My eyes widened and I grasped the hand with both of my own. I could see Rachel's pale, dirt streaked face morph into a shocked expression. The beasts were snarling, bellowing out unearthly sounds which I can hardly describe. I heard the screams and shouts of my friends as Jewel pulled me out of the hole, dirt cascading around my shoulders. I had barely reached firm ground again before Jewel turned away again to help Rachel. Rachel shrugged off her help and pulled herself out, her eyes narrowing.

Before me was a scene that I shall never forget. Every one of my friends were dirty and streaked with blood, wild expressions taking over their familiar features. Instead of running, they had finally chosen to fight like Reed had. Alex was thrashing her now blood soaked machete at the beasts. Everyone else had produced weapons of their own. Isaac was stabbing the monster's empty eye sockets with his pocket knife, his wounded leg forgotten. The beasts were frothing at the mouth, their teeth taking over their faces. Isaac's hand was swiftly caught in the monster's jaws and he cried out in sudden agony. Irene was hopping on one foot, a giant stick clasped in both hands, beating the nearest beast over the head. Drew had a collection of sticks with sharpened ends and was throwing them with surprising accuracy, much like spears. Will also had nothing more than a large stick, his every blow ringing out over the trees, sending a flock of birds flying. Bradley had a length of old rope taken from who knew where, and was trying to strangle one of the monsters. It didn't seem to be working. The beast kept throwing him off his back and lashing him with its spiky tail. Kate had an old lost ice skate in her hand and was hacking at the beast closest to her, using the sharp blade in her defense. Bree was running into the fray, helping Bradley with the strangling, which wasn't exactly working. Nadia ran over and pulled an extremely dirty Rachel to her feet.

"Took you guys long enough!" Nadia exclaimed.

"Should something?" I said feebly. There didn't seem to be much I could help with.

Jewel ran back into the battle, a sharp katana, flashing in her hand. I barely had time to register that I had never seen Jewel with a katana before, when she started parrying one of the monster's tails.

Irene slipped and fell, crumpling on her bad ankle with a strangled cry. Isaac tried to help her up but fell also, his leg bleeding all over again. I shared a glance with Rachel and we rushed over to help them, Nadia not far behind. I pulled the stick out of Irene's hand, ignoring her piercing protests. Rachel pulled the pocket knife out of Isaac's calloused hand and Nadia pulled both of them up.

"We all have to fight! We'll never beat them if we don't!" Isaac shouted, resisting Nadia's gentle help.

"Do you want to lose your leg completely? Or die?!" Normally sweet, patient Nadia exploded, "get back here and let people who aren't injured, fight!"

I tightened my grip on Irene's stick as she was dragged away, protesting loudly. Isaac was probably better than me at this, even with a wounded leg. I pushed that thought out of my mind and raised the stick above my head, trying to ignore the fact that I was weaker than most girls my age. Anger suddenly sparked in the pit of my stomach. These mindless beasts were interrupting our decision of leaving the island. No matter how terrible home was, it was definitely better than being endlessly chased by these terrifying monsters. Infinitely better, in fact. I charged at the nearest beast, emitting a wild war cry (which probably sounded like a girly scream but I felt like it was a wild war cry) and hit it on the head with a satisfying thwack. Rachel gripped the pocket knife, determination overwhelming her. She seemed like a different person. Almost tangible rage billowed out of her. She began stabbing where she could, trying to evade the monster's sharp claws and glinting teeth.

Suddenly, one of the beasts collapsed with a loud groan. Bree stepped back and seemed to finally notice the carnage around her. She doubled over, her face deathly pale, looking like she was about to be sick. We all held our breaths, still warding off the other two monsters with our makeshift weapons.

But then one of my worst fears was realized.

The monster pulled itself back up, it's sticky, dark blood sucking itself back into it's sides as if time was reversing. It's wounds closed back up and it's sharp yellow teeth began snapping again.

These beasts were invincible, immortal. I took a staggering step back as the monsters advanced as one once more. We would never be able to beat them, no matter how many times we managed to actually kill them. Dread built up in the back of my throat. We would die on this stupid island. I was sure of it.

Kate pulled out the map and stared at it for a split second before heading off into the jungle. Everyone else seemed to have come to the same conclusion I had. We were doomed. So we raced after Kate. We had to get to the doors to life. We had to escape before it was too late.

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