I Fell In Love With My Bestfriend

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Chapter 1

<Sarahs pov> It was a windy night here in California but it was summer so that was a good thing,me and my best friend Niall wanted to go to the county fair so we went,when we got there we saw all the bright lights and the huge fares wheel that you could proubly see from a mile away.I knew Niall since we were in third grade in 5th grade we became besties. I really didn't hang out with girls cause it was less drama and now since we're 16 we loved to go to parties and meet new people but I really wasn't that girl who was popular and Niall was the captain of the football team so he got all the girls and had all the teachers giving him A+ even though he was terrible at school and your proubly asking why would a popular boy be best friends with a loser like me? Well my mom and nialls mom work together at a nail solan so we get along easily.Niall wanted me to go on the fairs wheel with him so I did when we were at the top I got scared cause I'm afraid of heights and Niall knew that so he liked to tease me a lot.

<Nialls pov> Sarah was afraid of heights so I teased her and told her that the faris wheel was gonna get stuck and that it was gonna fall.She started getting scared and told me to shut up in a jokingly way, after we got off we got something to eat cause we were starving.The bright lights shined on Sarah and she looked so beautiful and I really didn't notice how sexy she looked in skinny jeans and a tight white shirt,I could see her red bra which made me laugh a little

And her beautiful blue eyes were shining too.I couldn't have a crush on her cause she's my best friend!

This is chapter 1 ill post chapter 2 later please leave comments Thank u!!

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